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       #Post#: 21--------------------------------------------------
       Hi! Meet Me (Zofia)!
       By: Zofia♥ Date: February 25, 2017, 1:56 pm
       Hello everyone!
       I'm super stoked about being on this new forum, and as an
       administrator :D! Most of you probably know me from Hamster
       Hideout, but let me tell you a few things about myself for those
       who don't.
       To start off, I'm (currently) 15 years old, and I've been
       researching and learning about small animals for almost 4 years
       now! I don't quite know how the interest started, but it really
       doesn't matter!
       So far I've owned 3 wonderful hammies (Maggie, Snow, and Pepi)
       who sadly all passed in 2016/beginning of 2017. Although the
       only small animals I've owned were hamsters, I've still took it
       upon myself to also learn about rats, mice, rabbits, and guinea
       pigs, so I'm pretty knowledgeable in those animals too!
       Some of my favorite hobbies include: photography,
       filming/videography, writing, reading, swimming, bowling, and
       judo  ;D
       Thank you for reading! For any questions about animals or how
       the forum works please post a topic under the correct subforum,
       I (as well as the other moderators) ask that you do not PM me/us
       with those types of questions, as you will get a much faster
       reply if you post a topic.  :-*
       #Post#: 38--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hi! Meet Me (Zofia)!
       By: ~WinterWhisker~ Date: February 25, 2017, 2:13 pm
       Hi there Zofia! Nice to see you here!
       #Post#: 240--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hi! Meet Me (Zofia)!
       By: Cynical_Mouse Date: February 26, 2017, 7:48 pm
       Hello! Looking forward to learning all you can teach :)