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       #Post#: 117--------------------------------------------------
       The hero of time. (denied)
       By: Ryanrider Date: November 25, 2012, 7:37 am
       Early Saturday morning, and as usuall, I'm lying in bed, finding
       it impossible to get out. I feel too paralized to get out of
       bed, never mind go to Newcastle all day! Everyone was shouting
       at me to get up. It took them fifteen minutes to get me up, but
       when I turned around...
       No-one was there... all there was, was my mother's handbag wide
       open, a pool of blood on the carpet, and a dagger lying on the
       floor.... Murder. I looked at he clock, it was 1:00pm. But the
       strange thing was, the school bus was outside my house! What was
       it doing there at this time of day. I doubt it came here just to
       get me and embarrass me so bad I'll never show up again.
       But pulling up beside my house was a load of police cars and
       vans with their sirens blaring in my ears and flashing at my
       face! Now there was helicopters flashing like mad at my face, I
       cant stand it!......
       I dropped out of my window and started falling, and falling and
       falling, until. I crashed face first into the solid concrete
       path, I was knocked out, I couldn't feel a thing, my face was
       literally split open, my head, arms everywhere. How could I
       I woke up 3 weeks later stitched up in all places, I was shocked
       to be alive! I wandered around the the hospital, and that's when
       I saw him, the guy who killed my family. I screamed so loud, I
       nearly knoked out half the hospital out deaf. But I didn't care,
       all I cared about was killing that culprit. Finally we were face
       to face, time wizzing by like lightning, I looked at the clock,
       it was ten am, but that's impossible it was nine a minute ago.
       Well who cares, I slid under the culprits legs, kicked him in
       the back of the head, took his dagger, stabbed him, he was dead.
       But I look around, uh-oh the reception was calling 999 I was in
       huge trouble.
       To be continued if I get accepted.
       #Post#: 118--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The hero of time.
       By: michaelrd Date: November 25, 2012, 7:59 am
       Sorry. Denied. Two week wait. It might just be what I like to
       read, but I didn't really enjoy reading.