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       #Post#: 3448--------------------------------------------------
       Flippity Flip a Review on Shift by Reverse (Approved)
       By: Ryanrider Date: January 13, 2013, 2:21 pm
       This is a re-write if my Ms application
       Game: Shift
       Creator: Reverse
       Type: PPG
       I didn't know much about the creator reverse,  but one thing I
       could tell, they ownd a remarkable PPG named "Shift". The
       thumbnail wasn't an instant attraction itself, but looked like
       it was about to challenge me greatly.
       As I predicted, this game was challenging! Not only that, but
       noone had beat the game. Shift is full of  many difficult
       puzzles and traps  to stop you in your tracks. The viarety of
       features used in this game is just outstanding to remark,
       gravitational switch here, spinning platform there, you name it!
       What would make this game live up to it's title? Gravity, that's
       the main feature just as any of you would expect. But wait, was
       reverse finished with me yet? No is the answer your looking for!
       Oh no, there was far more to this game than that, the amount of
       hazarderous features outnumbered the number of difficult jumps,
       gosh, perfect combination for fustration! All the gravity
       effects and diversions into traps gave this game the perfect
       definition of hard. The switches could help or they could not.
       How you use them is your choice.
       Yet another feature in this game is the stomp, this allowed you
       to smash your way through many hazards to allow you to reach the
       goal. This ability is also used for a puzzle later, keep your
       eyes peeled.
       Puzzles and traps:
       The high frequency of traps and puzzles dumb struck me with
       they're remarkable difficulty and danger risks, most of the
       time, if I fell, my player's life would go down with it! Perfect
       placement from reverse there. The high amount of pressure put on
       you when you are in these sticky situations could literally make
       you break a sweat they really fustrate you so bad. Again,
       excellent work reverse.
       Well, I can't say much exept black and white.
       Pros: (+1 each)
       Trap and puzzle placement
       Cons: (-1 each)
       Basic scenery
       Gameplay: 10/10- fantastic job
       Scenery: 5/10- rather basic for me.
       Puzzles and traps: 9/10- Fantastic placement and difficult.
       difficulty: 9/10- I got to the final level roughly but didn't
       push me.
       sub-total: +2
       Total: 34/40-
       Conclusion: A truley fantastic effort and excellent execution
       Feature worthy: Not quite but defnetley review worthy, provided
       a extreme challenge, but didn't push me to my limit.
       The spartan  (ryanrider) signing out with this first
       #Post#: 3450--------------------------------------------------
       Re: (application) flippity flip a review on shift
       By: blackmustangs075 Date: January 13, 2013, 2:41 pm
       I actually like it. There were a few grammar mistakes here and
       there, but it looks like a good review despite that. You could
       have been a little bit more descriptive, but overall, it was a
       good review. Since I am the only reviewer on these forums
       anyways, and I can't really get around to reviewing things
       lately, I've decided to Accept this. You didn't plagiarize as
       far as I know, and you put some effort into this it looks like.
       Congratulations! I'll add you to Reviewer right now. You can
       post Reviews in Reviewer Lane Now!  :) ;) :D
       #Post#: 3486--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Flippity Flip a Review on Shift by Reverse (Approved)
       By: teamsatisfaction Date: January 14, 2013, 8:31 pm
       Gratz, Spartan!  :)
       #Post#: 3495--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Flippity Flip a Review on Shift by Reverse (Approved)
       By: bob123f Date: January 15, 2013, 10:47 am
       Very nice review! Congrats Spartan!
       #Post#: 3499--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Flippity Flip a Review on Shift by Reverse (Approved)
       By: Ryanrider Date: January 15, 2013, 12:59 pm
       Thank you
       #Post#: 4553--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Flippity Flip a Review on Shift by Reverse (Approved)
       By: whtever Date: January 27, 2013, 12:03 pm
       Wow congratulations!