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       #Post#: 4329--------------------------------------------------
       The Adventures Of Timmy
       By: SelfishSnake Date: January 21, 2013, 9:35 am
       so far i only have a test level but try it plz :P
 (HTM) [flash=200,200]http://<div style="text-align: center;">
       <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
 (HTM) http://www.sploder.com
       />id="game" base="
 (HTM) http://www.sploder.com
       " width="400" height="300"
       scale="noscale" salign="LT" >
       <param name="base" value="
 (HTM) http://www.sploder.com
       " />
       <param name="movie"
 (HTM) http://www.sploder.com/player5.php?s=d003bk4o"
       <param name="s" value="d003bk4o" />
       <param name="scale" value="noscale" />
       <param name="salign" value="LT" />
       <param name="bgcolor" value="#333333" />
       <!-- embedded thumbnail -->
       <a href="
 (HTM) http://www.sploder.com/?s=d003bk4o"
       title="Sploder, Make Your Own Games"><img
 (HTM) http://sploder.com/users/group1386/user1386795_20130121094040/thumbs/proj4998164.png"<br
       />alt="adventures of timmy test level" />
       Play Game</a>
       <!-- end thumbnail -->
       <!-- link code, helps support our community -->
       <a href="
 (HTM) http://www.sploder.com
       " target="_blank"
       style="font-size: x-small; color: #999; text-decoration: none;"
       title="Sploder, Make Your Own Games">Make a Free Flash Game</a>
       if that doesnt work go to
 (HTM) http://tinyurl.com/av9sc5k
 (HTM) http://tinyurl.com/av9sc5k
       #Post#: 4978--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The Adventures Of Timmy
       By: daflowergirl Date: February 4, 2013, 7:31 pm
       It doesn't work, and I used the tiny url