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       #Post#: 4562--------------------------------------------------
       moonlit hour ~new [Denied]
       By: whtever Date: January 27, 2013, 12:18 pm
       I couldn't sleep. A brilliant moonbeam was slanting through a
       gap in the curtains. It was shining right on to my pillow. My
       parents in our house had been asleep for hours. I closed my eyes
       and lay quite still. I tried very hard to doze off. It was no
       good. The moonbeam was like a silver blade slicing through the
       room on to my face. The house was absolutely silent. No voices
       came up from downstairs. There were no footsteps on the floor
       above either. The window behind the curtain was wide open, but
       nobody was walking on the pavement outside. No cars went by on
       the street. Not the tiniest sound could be heard anywhere. I had
       never known such a silence. I couldn't stand it any longer, I
       just had to get up. I close the curtain and the slicing moonbeam
       had disappeared. All of a sudden My light went off. I lay in the
       dark frightened to death. I shivered all over leaving goose
       bumps all over my body. I screamed. This had to be the worst
       night of my life. My parents shoot through the door. Then I told
       my parents about the worst night of my life. They change my
       bulb. They tell me about a story called moonlit hour, but this
       wasn't a story, this was real.
       #Post#: 4571--------------------------------------------------
       Re: moonlit hour ~new [application]
       By: bob123f Date: January 27, 2013, 12:41 pm
       [glow=red,2,300]Denied.[/glow] You went over the max: 500
       character limit. Sorry, but I must follow the recruiter rules.
       This was a very nice story and had only a few typos. I
       especially loved the line:
       "The moonbeam was like a silver blade slicing through the room
       on to my face."
       In this line you used 3 key things:
       1. You used a simile. (A simile is a comparison between 2 or
       more words that uses "like" or "as" to compare. An example of a
       "The blade shone in the sunshine like a fiery dagger prepared to
       unleash an inferno on anyone who did not have the absolute
       pleasure of wielding it." (Notice the "like" that compares the
       two ideas)?
       2. You used alliteration. (Alliteration is using the same letter
       2 or more times in words. Here's an example of alliteration:
       The snake slithered silently through the silver stream. (Notice
       all of the s's in the sentence?)
       3. You used imagery. Imagery is the art of using very
       descriptive words to put an image in the reader's head. An
       example of imagery:
       The enraged warlord shook with fury as he pledged his wrath to
       the group of amateur adventurers." (Notice the descriptive words
       "fury" and "wrath")?
       All in all, I thought it was a very nice story. But I have to
       deny it because it went over the 500 character limit. Sorry. You
       may reapply February 9th.