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       #Post#: 4880--------------------------------------------------
       Some Suggestions 
       By: bob123f Date: February 2, 2013, 10:48 pm
       Numero Uno:
       Rename this board to "Hall of Game." It just sounds more catchy.
       Numero Dos:
       Make a new membergroup/rank called "Judge", to judge and decide
       upon which games get into the game hall of fame and which do
       not. There could also be Judge Recruiters, who could recruit
       Judges. To apply for Judge, you must post an application within
       the Judge Applications board. The application would have a
       maximum length of 500 words, and would be about judging a game.
       It would sort of be like reviewing the game, only different.
       Numero Tres:
       Another possibility would be to promote good reviewers to
       Judges. Sort of like how if you're a good Reviewer on sploder,
       you  get promoted to Editor. (Sometimes you don't have to be a
       reviewer to get the editor badge, but this is usually how it
       Thank you for considering these suggestions.
       #Post#: 4887--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Some Suggestions 
       By: blackmustangs075 Date: February 3, 2013, 1:27 pm
       I'll consider number one, but I make people judges based on
       their games, so I cant do the other two. If you get a couple
       games in the hall of game, you become a judge.