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       #Post#: 5069--------------------------------------------------
       (application) Vampire Slayer part1
       By: Ryanrider Date: February 8, 2013, 1:09 pm
       It was a dark cold night I the countryside within Atlanta, the
       grey clouds flowing through the sky. It was possibly the calmest
       night in months, but tomorrow wouldn't.
       I woke up to the sound of the sterio on my bedside table tuning
       into the different channels available to me. As I flickered
       through them, a sudden random lightning bolt shot down in a
       blink of the eye and struck the bike shed, well that was gone.
       My father was calling me down now. Where were we going.......
       The forest that I feared the most, you see, there was a rumor, a
       terrible rumor concerning a vampire within a coffin located the
       heart of the forest. I knew this was no blasphemy. It was all
       true I tell you, sure i'd never been there but I know, somewhere
       out there it lay, all alone in it's lone coffin, waiting for
       someone to discover it........
       To be continued.
       This full story would go over the word limit.
       #Post#: 5070--------------------------------------------------
       Re: (application) Vampire Slayer part1
       By: blackmustangs075 Date: February 8, 2013, 2:15 pm
       I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to deny this. You had some
       spelling and grammar mistakes, and it just wasn't very
       interesting overall. You didn't do a good job with grabbing the
       reader's attention. Lacks clear descriptions. You have
       potential, but before that potential can try to break through
       once again, you must wait two more weeks. Remember the applicant
       #Post#: 5071--------------------------------------------------
       Re: (application) Vampire Slayer part1
       By: Ryanrider Date: February 8, 2013, 2:30 pm
       Meh, that's it now, I'll stick to reviewing, I'll try again when
       all my school stuff is sorted out thoigh ;3
       I'll be back >:3