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       #Post#: 356--------------------------------------------------
       How to Make Your Own Sploder Error Message!
       By: blackmustangs075 Date: November 26, 2012, 8:34 pm
       Hello, everyone! A couple people have asked me the same
       question lately;
       "How do you make your own Sploder Error Message?"
       This is a fun little trick that you can do, and it's fairly easy
       to pull off. Before I begin, I would like the say something. I
       originally got this idea from the member daydream, who had this
       in his signature. I was trying to figure out how he did it, but
       then it hit me.
       To do this, you must get an error message on Sploder. The
       easiest one to get is the Incorrect Password Message. From
       there, look at the link at the top of the screen. The link to
       the page you're at should be in the search bar at the top of
       your screen. This is what the link should look like;
 (HTM) http://www.sploder.com/index.php?login=1&error_message=login_fail&nu=
       Now look at the link. Find where it says Error Message=
       From there, get rid of anything after Error Message= and from
       there, in spaces, write your own words. If what you say fails to
       register, you may have to say something in front that sounds
       real, Like Geoff banning you, or Incorrect Password. Then you
       say your message.
       This glitch can lead to lots of fun. If you would like an
       example, look at my signature and click on the link, or go to
       Daydream's signature and click on his link. Have fun, and
       please. Don't hesitate to throw money :)
       If you come up with anything funny, please post the link in the
       comments below. Just please remember; keep it clean. Anyone
       posting explicit things may receive a ban.
       Now have fun!  ;D
       #Post#: 379--------------------------------------------------
       Re: How to Make Your Own Sploder Error Message!
       By: Daydream Date: November 27, 2012, 4:02 pm
       Just a suggestion: You want to cover up the link by using the
       [nobbc][url=blahblahblah][/nobbc] code or else the trick
       is actually blown.
       #Post#: 380--------------------------------------------------
       Re: How to Make Your Own Sploder Error Message!
       By: michaelrd Date: November 27, 2012, 4:06 pm
       Thanks! By the way, I'm adding the help section now.
       #Post#: 382--------------------------------------------------
       Re: How to Make Your Own Sploder Error Message!
       By: blackmustangs075 Date: November 27, 2012, 4:22 pm
       I already added it. This is the section. (Forum Guides)
       #Post#: 391--------------------------------------------------
       Re: How to Make Your Own Sploder Error Message!
       By: michaelrd Date: November 27, 2012, 5:21 pm
       lol, I noticed it right after I posted the message. xD
       #Post#: 407--------------------------------------------------
       Re: How to Make Your Own Sploder Error Message!
       By: michaelrd Date: November 27, 2012, 7:47 pm
       I've added one to my signature. ;D
       #Post#: 410--------------------------------------------------
       Re: How to Make Your Own Sploder Error Message!
       By: jack216 Date: November 27, 2012, 8:24 pm
       #Post#: 489--------------------------------------------------
       Re: How to Make Your Own Sploder Error Message!
       By: ~Epic~ Date: November 30, 2012, 7:03 pm
       I can't get it to work.
       #Post#: 500--------------------------------------------------
       Re: How to Make Your Own Sploder Error Message!
       By: ~Epic~ Date: November 30, 2012, 8:14 pm
       It worked lol!
       #Post#: 529--------------------------------------------------
       Re: How to Make Your Own Sploder Error Message!
       By: bob123f Date: November 30, 2012, 9:03 pm
       Incorrect password. Login failed.  Rageeeeeeee >:( >:( >:(
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