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 (DIR) MS Speaks
 (DIR) New warning about glatiramer acetate
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 (DIR) (Mayo Clinic) 40-year-old woman w/MS dies of cardiac arrest af...
       1 replies
 (DIR) Autoinjector cross-compatibility issue with GA injections (new...
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 (DIR) Long-acting glatiramer acetate (GA Depot) for RRMS and PPMS an...
       7 replies
 (DIR) After two months of glatiramer acetate, a status report
       5 replies
 (DIR) GA may improve the memory loss of Alzheimer's disease
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 (DIR) Generic Copaxone probably as good as the brand-name
       3 replies
 (DIR) (Abst.) Drug-induced liver injury associated w/biosimilar glat...
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 (DIR) Glatiramer acetate and liver injury research information (PubM...
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 (DIR) Value of Copaxone in MS after 20 years of use
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