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 (DIR) (Abst.) Discontinuation of dimethyl fumarate in MS --a nationw...
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 (DIR) (Abst.) [Tecfidera] treatment in RRMS changes inflammatory CSF...
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 (DIR) (Abst.) PML in Tecfidera-treated MS patients
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 (DIR) (Abst.) Long-term safety, efficacy of Tecfidera for  up to 13 ...
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 (DIR) Tecfidera has lower discontinuation rate than Aubagio, study s...
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 (DIR) (Abst.) Expanding spectrum of opportunistic infections with di...
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 (DIR) FDA approves Lupin's generic form of Tecfidera for MS treatment
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 (DIR) Dimethyl fumarate (Tecfidera) and liver injury research inform...
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 (DIR) (Abst.) Case of PML under Tecfidera without severe lymphopenia...
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 (DIR) (Abst.) Tecfidera better at preventing relapses than Aubagio
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