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       #Post#: 3935--------------------------------------------------
       Roxane van Iperen,  THE SISTERS OF AUSCHWITZ...
       By: agate Date: February 17, 2023, 1:56 am
       Having known a number of survivors of the Holocaust, people who
       had been in concentration camps, I sometimes read accounts by or
       about such people, whose unique and horrific experience is in
       danger of fading from our memories now that most of these people
       have now died.  This book is another factual account, or at
       least so far as I know it is factual. In some places it has been
       described as a novel. Some of the details might have been
       imagined by the author: "This is what might have happened."  I
       wish authors would make it clear when they are departing from
       the factual record in this way but they often do not.
       The book is The Sisters of Auschwitz: The True Story of Two
       Jewish Sisters' Resistance in the Heart of Nazi Territory by
       Roxane van Iperen (2018, 2022).
       Janny and Lien Brilleslijper were two Jewish sisters who
       ingeniously managed to contrive ways of sheltering Jewish
       refugees who were destined for Hitler's concentration camps, and
       this is their story. Somewhat miraculously, both sisters
       survived the camps--and, at Bergen Belsen, witnessed the tragic
       deaths of Anne Frank and her sister Margot.
       I am probably not qualified to say much more about this book as,
       in recorded form, it was difficult to follow, mainly because so
       many Dutch names of people and places were given but were
       difficult for a nonspeaker of Dutch to grasp. However, the
       Brilleslijper sisters must have been remarkable people who
       deserve to be remembered by a tribute such as this one.