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       #Post#: 129--------------------------------------------------
       Being ignored
       By: clare low Date: September 7, 2017, 2:15 am
       Having your parent ignore you, avoid looking at you or speaking
       to you can feel more hurtful than when they say or do something
       unkind. What is your experience of this?
       #Post#: 135--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Being ignored
       By: Janel Date: October 8, 2017, 4:55 am
       I recently had a hysterectomy & my mother did not visit or
       acknowledge my surgery, she said it was not "that important"
       I am devastated, she has time for my brother, but not me & does
       not even hide her preference.
       #Post#: 136--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Being ignored
       By: clare low Date: October 9, 2017, 6:11 am
       I am so very sorry to hear this - what a dreadful story. When
       you have to endure surgery like that you feel that you want to
       be supported and loved. So it is awful if your mother lets you
       down at such an important time. It is not surprising that you
       feel so devastated after all you will have been through. Please
       give yourself time to recover both physically and emotionally.
       Be kind to yourself and maybe find comfort with good friends?
       Have a look at our coping page for ideas about looking after
       yourself. You are important and having surgery is never easy, so
       you deserve to be loved and cared for.
       Very best wishes,
       #Post#: 137--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Being ignored
       By: Janel Date: October 10, 2017, 3:02 am
       Thank you Alyson, yes i need to find a way to process this. I do
       have lots of friends & beautiful family members that are
       supportive, I need to have no expectations of my mother &
       therefore not be disappointed. Do not know how to do that yet.
       Thanks for your understanding & thoughtful words.
       #Post#: 238--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Being ignored
       By: steved Date: December 22, 2017, 4:03 pm
       I joined the army at 15 to get away from home, I think she hoped
       she had seen the back of me, never wrote to me like the other
       boy soldiers, no pressies or parcels from home. Anyhoo after 8
       months things turned very unpleasant for me and I managed to get
       her permission t leave the boys army. BIG MISTAKE  I would have
       been better staying in the army and just taking the abuse and
       unwanted attention.   I came home bruised, drained, afraid,
       confused and in need of some support.   As I walked through the
       door She turned around looked over her shoulder at me and just
       gave me the most filthy contemptious of glares then turned away
       ignoring me.  I could only cope with the tension for a few
       months before I just started sleeping rough.
       #Post#: 244--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Being ignored
       By: Jennifer Date: December 28, 2017, 3:47 am
       Steve how awful for you, when you think how could any loving
       mother do such a thing, you would have thought she would have
       welcomed you back with open arms, obviously something traumatic
       must have happened , it’s never happened to me but I am
       guessing I would have been treated the same I didn’t like
       the chosen career I had but was too scared to tell her. I always
       told my children if they aren’t happy in a job do
       something else don’t be miserable like me , luckily I had
       children in y mid twenties and when I went back to work was able
       to pursue what I wanted ,  I had a miserable life due to not
       following something else.
       Have you had a good Christmas I thought about you and how you
       were, my Christmas was filled  with no guilt and  I don’t
       think I will ever have that again , I’ve talked to to my
       family about it still need to talk a bit more get it it out my
       system Happy new   year to you and all those suffering from this
       #Post#: 248--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Being ignored
       By: steved Date: December 29, 2017, 2:16 pm
       [quote author=Jennifer link=topic=20.msg244#msg244
       Steve how awful for you, when you think how could any loving
       mother do such a thing, you would have thought she would have
       welcomed you back with open arms, obviously something traumatic
       must have happened , it’s never happened to me but I am guessing
       I would have been treated the same I didn’t like the chosen
       career I had but was too scared to tell her. I always told my
       children if they aren’t happy in a job do something else don’t
       be miserable like me , luckily I had children in y mid twenties
       and when I went back to work was able to pursue what I wanted ,
       I had a miserable life due to not following something else.
       Have you had a good Christmas I thought about you and how you
       were, my Christmas was filled  with no guilt and  I don’t think
       I will ever have that again , I’ve talked to to my family about
       it still need to talk a bit more get it it out my system Happy
       new   year to you and all those suffering from this subject
       Amen to that Jenny, I cannot emphisise enough to my son that
       life should be HAPPY and though MONEY matters its not the be all
       and end all of things, Its vital he enjoys his chosen career and
       I'm always telling him if you dont like it and its stressing you
       and getting him down he would be better off leaving.  Better to
       have a good job and modest salary than  have a bad job and lots
       of money, Lives to damn short to be miserable for 8 hours a day.
       One point about my teen years makes me wonder if anyone else
       experienced anything similar to me, insomuch as my mother got
       rid of every document / certificate/ award/ qualification I ever
       earned.   From school Swimming certs to my City & Guilds
       certificates to my regimental photos, service records, and 99%
       of the photos from my teenage years EXCEPT the few she like to
       bring out to embaress me in front of friends.
       #Post#: 249--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Being ignored
       By: steved Date: December 29, 2017, 2:17 pm
       [quote author=Janel link=topic=20.msg137#msg137 date=1507622525]
       Thank you Alyson, yes i need to find a way to process this. I do
       have lots of friends & beautiful family members that are
       supportive, I need to have no expectations of my mother &
       therefore not be disappointed. Do not know how to do that yet.
       Thanks for your understanding & thoughtful words.
       Janel   what can anyone say but bloody hell!!!!  what a way to
       treat one child.
       #Post#: 287--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Being ignored
       By: Janel Date: April 2, 2018, 2:34 am
       Ok it is now April & nothing has changed, in fact, it has become
       progressively worse, My son being ill & needing surgery, and
       while I accept them ignoring me, what of their grandchild, how
       can they be so callous??? Clearly their marriage is more
       important than their children
       #Post#: 288--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Being ignored
       By: steved Date: April 5, 2018, 4:25 pm
       You are going to have to cut the apron string girl, you are just
       prolonging your misery
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