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       #Post#: 283--------------------------------------------------
       Entice Pheromone and What are Androsterone Pheromones?
       By: nathanbuckner Date: September 11, 2016, 12:07 pm
       Entice Pheromone - What are Androsterone Pheromones?[hr]Once the
       only form of communication between animals, pheromones are
       chemical messengers from one being to another that affect the
       behavior of the receiver.  From amoebas to insects to mammals,
       all animals have this ability.  Detected in mammals through the
       vomeronasal organ in the nose, these chemicals vary and convey
       different messages.  Some may tell something about a readiness
       to mate, others serve to define territory or announce
       aggression.  A whiff of pheromones from a female mouse, for
       instance, will make a male mouse start mating immediately.
       Pheromones from male mice produce other changes like making him
       more aggressive.
       92% Noticed an Increase in Women Making Eye Contact[hr]89%
       noticed more smiles from women      76% reported strange women
       starting conversations with them We found it rather unbelievable
       to find out that there is so much to learn on Pheromones! Wonder
       if you could believe it after going through it!
       [list][*]Androsterone pheromone can be bought in a concentrate
       form or mixed with a fragrant cologne.[*]A survey of 100 men who
       used a popular brand of androsterone pheromone concentrate
       reported the following: [/list]
       81% Reported Being Approached by Women They Didn't Know[hr]68%
       reported an increase in dates and other forms of sociosexual
       contact  Androsterone pheromone also seems to have an affect on
       other men, making someone who has more seem more intimidating.
       Many men have reported using the androsterone pheromone in
       sports or business environments to be noticed and gain respect.
       Humans, the vomeronasal organ does not function as well as in
       most mammals, and we have lost the ability to consciously detect
       pheromones. There is, however, a body of scientific evidence
       that we are subconsciously influenced by pheromones and that to
       a degree, pheromones still dictate much of human sexual
       Some of this evidence comes from a study at the University of
       Kentucky when researchers sprayed the male pheromone,
       androsterone on pictures of men of average sexual
       attractiveness.  When showed to women, it was discovered that
       men in the androsterone-sprayed pictures were rated as more
       of whoever you come in contact with![*]At least they should
       be.[*]There it is SEX and SCENT![*]In that Sexy Part of the Body
       called the NOSE![/list]
       And so NAUGHTY NIGHTS "Don't go to Bed Without it" TM c2003-2005
       Alex Max New York LLC was created.   So it's more than true that
       some perfumes can actually start the process of sexual
       attraction. There are certain subtle fragrances if used in a
       proper combination that can make you attractive to the Opposite
       Sex or Even Your Own if you are so inclined.
       [list][*]Are you repelled by a person for no reason.[*]It may be
       that their Pheromones just don't mix with yours.[*]You not only
       smell the sexuality of another person, you sence a Pheromone
       Attraction coming from their Skin, Body and Mind. :D[/list]
       When I First Created NAUGHTY NIGHTS PARFUM, I Was Dripping in
       Female Pheromones[hr]The Attraction was incredible. I get my
       share of "Hello, how are you?" But this was truly an interesting
       Experience. Guys at the Gym, Cabbies, Executives on the Elevator
       and so on... They all had a Very Special Smile on their faces. I
       had to move fast...I had forgotten the Female Pheromones. When I
       returned to my office, a few Lawyers in the Building wanted to
       linger and talk. What is going on? Lawyers never have time to
       talk! And when I'm at my office, neither do I. But when I
       entered the room I realized...oooohhh Lalala...it's those Female
       [quote]No Kidding. We all have our very own Special SEXY Scent.
       You've heard me say this before...In case you forgot, here it is
       again... "We give off a special aroma from the day we are born
       and this is our very own essesence, our personal pheromones. It
       is our own Custom Perfume Ingredient. During Sex this fragrance
       is highlighted! And that is truly the beginning of SEX AND
       SCENT." The results of one reading this composition is a good
       understanding on the topic of Pheromones. So do go ahead and
       read this to learn more about Pheromones.[/quote]
       [list][*]About the Author: Parfumeur Alex Max of Alex Max New
       York LLC and Alex Max Beverly Hills.[*]Creating Custom Parfum
       for Ellegant People, Pets and Companies with Custom Labels.
       You are Like Most Men, It is Not Easy to Confront a
       Woman[hr]Fear of rejection is part of it, but some of it is just
       plain social anxiety. Its no fun being the only one at the bar
       that isn't talking to any girls. A lot of us need to work on our
       self confidence, but there is something that could help.
       Pheromones are Hormones that We Naturally Give Off Through
       Sweat[hr]Our pheromones give the opposite sex information like
       how much different our gene pool is from each other. The more
       diverse our gene pool is, the less likely our chances of having
       birth defects or being predisposed to disease, and the more
       likely it is that we can defend against various disease. This is
       a natural survival instinct and is one of the major factors that
       a woman uses to pick one man over another. Using great
       confidence in ourselves, we endeavored to write such a long
       article on Pheromones. Such is the amount of matter found on
       Another Benefit is that Pheromones Raise Confidence[hr]I don't
       know if it is because they think all of a sudden all women will
       start falling for them, or if it is because the pheromones work
       on themselves, but a lot of men notice that the feel a lot more
       confident and happier. Many men report feeling more manly while
       wearing pheromones. The sources used for the information for
       this article on Pheromones are all dependable ones. This is so
       that there be no confusion in the authenticity of the article.
       [list][*]Women either find your scent more or less attractive
       based on what your pheromones tell her.[*]By wearing pheromones,
       some women will like your smell and will comment on it.[*]The
       smell of pheromones is like a very light body odor smell.[*]Many
       people where scented pheromone cologne so that it blends
       in.[*]Other people don't like scent pheromones because they want
       to adjust the levels of pheromones by themselves.[*]Most cheap
       pheromone cologne for men are scented.[*]It was with great
       relief we ended writing on Pheromones.[*]There was just too much
       information to write, that we were starting to lose hopes on
       it's completion![*]There are studies that prove that spraying
       pheromones in an area will cause women to gravitate towards it,
       without them realizing.[*]It is now easy and affordable to buy a
       cheap pheromone cologne for men on the internet.[*]By using
       pheromones, you can give yourself an unfair advantage in the
       dating game.[*]As long as you don't tell anybody your secret,
       chances our that you will talk to more women than you used
       to.[*]We have also translated parts of this composition into
       French and Spanish to facilitate easier understanding of
       Pheromones.[*]In this way, more people will get to understand
       the composition.[/list]
       Pheromones work best when they are combined, used in moderation,
       and in a one on one situation. Combining pheromones helps
       increase your chances of being attractive to women. Many
       pheromone colognes on the market contain multiple hormones in
       their product, but if they don't you can order different
       unscented products and add them together to create the ultimate
       love potion. ;)
       [list][*]The term pheromone comes from two Greek words: pherein
       ("to transfer") and hormon, which means "to
       stimulate".[*]Pheromones are aromatic chemical compounds
       released by one individual that affect the sexual physiology and
       behavior of another individual.[/list]
       You're looking for the woman or man of your dreams, remember
       that pheromones in your body scent are playing a large role in
       mate attraction. People who use commercial pheromone products
       claim that the product (pheromone perfume, cologne or oil) they
       use increases their attractiveness to members of the opposite
       sex. But it's not just sexual attraction that is increased by
       wearing pheromones. Users of pheromone perfumes report that
       people pay more attention to them and are generally more
       friendly to them. :D.
       Male pheromones play a role in maintaining the health of women,
       especially the health of the female reproductive system.
       Researchers have found that women who have sex with men at least
       once a week are more likely to have normal menstrual cycles,
       fewer infertility troubles and a milder menopause than women who
       have sporadic sex.
       [list][*]Since 1870 scientists have known about pheromones and
       recorded the effects of pheromones on mating in insects and
       other animal species.[*]In 1986 the scientists proved the
       existence of human pheromones and began to document their
       effects on humans.[*]We have included some fresh and interesting
       information on Pheromones.[*]In this way, you are updated on the
       developments of Pheromones.[/list]
       Humans Cannot Consciously Detect Another Person's Pheromones,
       I.E[hr]We can't "smell" them in the traditional sense. But, if
       pheromones are undetectable by the human sense of smell, how can
       people be influenced by pheromones? The answer is that
       pheromones are detected by an organ inside the nose called the
       vomeronasal organ (VNO). The VNO passes the signals that
       pheromones send, on to the part of the brain which governs some
       basic human sensations, like love, hate, anger and, of course,
       sexual arousal. We cannot be blamed if you find any other
       article resembling the matter we have written here about
       Pheromones. What we have done here is our copyright material!
       Shopping for pheromones today has become a bit of a minefield.
       Why? Trying to avoid stepping on the pheromone scam designed to
       trade you an inferior product for your hard earned cash. :)
       [list][*]You think something might be unquestionable or simply
       want to make sure about a product simply ask on a forum.[*]Your
       chances of getting a response one way or the other is very
       good.[*]If something is known to be a pheromone scam you'll
       certainly be told.[/list]
       Can it really happen? Sure but the problem is spotting the
       pheromone scammers who see it as an opportunity to cash in on a
       business which has literally taken off into mega proportions
       during the past five years.
       [list][*]The truth is, real pheromone products with real
       pheromone concentrate in them do work.[*]Products promoted as
       pheromone enhanced but are just watered down versions of the
       real thing have hurt the industry somewhat.[*]Putting all
       sellers in the same basket is unfair.[/list]
       Companies who manufacture their own products in-house are worth
       taking a look at because with their own research team, they will
       be constantly coming up with ways to improve on their current
       products. They would only do this if they intended to stay in
       the business for the long haul.
       Be vigilant before parting with your hard-earned cash when
       shopping a real human pheromone reviewal
 (HTM) http://forum.blondeangelbaby.com/viewtopic.php?f=325&t=6117.
       best known manufacturers have become top of the tree for a
       reason. It may take some time to comprehend the matter on
       Pheromones that we have listed here. However, it is only through
       it's complete comprehension would you get the right picture of
       Stick With the Best[hr]Buying from known sources is the safest
       way to play the pheromones game. It's one way to avoid a
       pheromone scam. Buying pheromones from those who have been in
       the industry for a long period of time means they are doing
       something right. Pherlure and Athena readily come to mind. We
       are proud to say we have dominance in the say of Pheromones.
       This is because we have read vastly and extensively on
       Legitimate pheromone sellers will not only have an informative
       website for you to explore but they will more than likely have
       multiple forms of contact. Email and phone contact are
       important. The development of Pheromones has been explained in
       detail in this article on Pheromones. Read it to find something
       interesting and surprising!