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       #Post#: 306--------------------------------------------------
       Different Types of Human Pheromones
       By: nathanbuckner Date: September 24, 2016, 2:58 am
       Pheromone Attract Women - Different Types of Human
       Pheromones[hr]Different types of human pheromones        Brought
       to you by *****        Content:        If you have always wanted
       to know more about this topic, then get ready because we have
       all the information you can handle.
       [list][*]Estratetraenol:        This is supposedly to be the
       female equivalent to androstadienone, and is said to have mood
       uplifting properties.        6.[*]Androstadienone: Go ahead and
       read this article on Pheromones.[*]We would also appreciate it
       if you could give us an analysis on it for us to make any needed
       changes to it. ;)[/list][/quote]
       This Pheromone Signals Masculinity[hr]It also creates an
       impression of reliability and protection. When worn by females,
       it creates mood-uplifting property. There is sure to be a grin
       on your face once you get to read this article on Pheromones.
       This is because you are sure to realize that all this matter is
       so obvious, you wonder how come you never got to know about it!
       When We Learn, We Continue on a Path of Growth[hr]Therefore,
       learning about this subject has already helped you more than you
       know.             Eva is the webmaster of  Best-Pheromones. Best
       Pheromones are the top suppliers and providers of Human
       Pheromones The more readers we get to this writing on
       Pheromones, the more encouragement we get to produce similar,
       interesting articles for you to read. So read on and pass it to
       your friends.
       Androstenone:        Androstenone is found in both men and
       women, but is predominantly a gentleman pheromone. This is
       because it typically signals supremacy, competition and
       aggression. People displaying more of this pheromone might be
       the center of mind and get noticed more. In people who already
       supply a lot of their own androstenone or who actually are
       energetic and dominant, with commercial androstenone is probable
       to make them appear officious and threatening fairly than more
       drawing closer. Reading is a habit that has to be cultivated
       from a small age. Only if one has the habit of reading can one
       acquire more knowledge on things like Pheromones.
       Study goes on to show that when men gasp copulins, it expands
       their testosterone levels by about 1-1/2 epoch, almost
       instantaneously, and men look leading women to be more drawing
       [list][*]Customary comeback to Androstenol is an expand in
       friendliness from both sexes, and expand in sexual drawiveness.
       4.[*]Copulins:          Copulins are an complete female
       group pheromones found in their vaginal secretions.[*]There are
       buried during ovulation with the aim of encouraging men to
       copulate. :)[/list]
       Androstenol:        Androstenol creates a pleasant, cordial and
       approachable impression, and makes the customer appear excluding
       intimidating and more convivial. It plant on the belief of
       sympathy, compassion and romantic feels, as well as gives a feel
       of youth, vigor, drawing, which is an impression of sexuality.
       [list][*]Hence, copulins are valuable for women to use to draw
       men, and for men to use on themselves to temporarily spread
       their testosterone levels.[*]When copulins are transmitted from
       a female, a dramatic change occurs in the chap's
       head.[*]Something a female says becomes his view.[*]Call it
       hypnosis, or suchlike, copulins have proven to recover
       relationships dramatically. :o[*]Women answer to androstenone
       differently at different epoch of the month depending on their
       round.[*]Studies show that women typically have a harmful
       comeback to androstenone when they are menstruating or are close
       to it.[*]This pheromone is not the best for women to use if they
       want to draw men, while small amounts can be nifty for creating
       an impression of power.[*]It would be hopeless trying to get
       people who are not interested in knowing more about Pheromones
       to read articles pertaining to it.[*]Only people interested in
       Pheromones will enjoy this article.[/list]
       These are two most common problems of pheromone cologne users:
       Pheromone Overdose ;)
       Pheromone Overdose Happens When You Apply Large Doses of
       Synthetic Pheromones[hr]If you notice people avoiding you, act
       intimidated by you or becoming aggressive towards you, you are
       probably using too much of the pheromone product. It is very
       easy to overdose, especially with unscented pheromone
       concentrates. These products contain no added fragrances to mask
       the pheromone smell which can be easily detected with the nose.
       Pheromone smell is often compared to body odor. Many people
       cannot smell pheromones, so the nose is not always a reliable
       guide when deciding  how much is too much. Experiment with low
       doses of pheromones first, and try to stay within the limits
       described in the pheromone product guide.
       Pheromone Build-up
       Some Pheromones are Absorbed Into the Skin and May Stay There
       for a Longer Period of Time[hr]Usually, depending on the
       biochemical characteristics of your skin, pheromones remain on
       your skin for about five hours, and up to ten hours on your
       clothing. Pheromone build-up happens when the skin absorbs so
       much pheromone content from multiple pheromone applications over
       a period of time, that you notice a significant drop off in the
       effectiveness of a pheromone product. If you see no good
       reactions after you use pheromones or you see better reactions
       when you don't apply pheromones - you have this problem. To
       prevent this don't apply products directly to the skin - apply
       them to your clothing instead. Clothing applications can be more
       convenient and will last longer.
       About the Author:
       You can learn more about pheromone perfumes at
       [list][*]Pheromones act as a form of chemical communication
       between human beings.[*]These chemicals are well known for their
       ability to attract members of the opposite sex. [*]Androstenol,
       or A-Nol, has two types: alpha and beta androstenol, each
       producing somewhat different results.[*]Alpha androstenol makes
       the wearer seem more approachable and friendly, and less
       intimidating by creating an aura of youth and fitness.[*]Alpha
       androstenol is not "macho" pheromone, like androstenone.[*]Beta
       androstenol is good for inducing conversations, but it is less
       popular than alpha-androstenol, possibly because of its limited
       availability.[*]Writing is something that has to be done when
       one is in the mood to write.[*]So when we got in the mood to
       write about Pheromones, nothing could stop us from
       writing![*]Androstadienone, or A1 pheromone, probably the most
       popular pheromone within the pheromones community.[*]This
       so-called "love pheromone" can increase caring feelings and
       There are Four Common Types of Human
       Pheromones:[hr]Androstenone, or A-None is found in both men and
       women, however, it is usually known of as a male pheromone
       because it creates a dominant and aggressive aura and projects
       an aggressive alpha impression. Also, this pheromone can cause
       people to act more polite to the wearer. Androstenone has quite
       a strong and sharp smell in high concentrations, so wearing a
       decent cover fragrance over androstenone applications is
       necessary. :D.
       Pheromones can be Combined and Topically Applied[hr]Pheromone
       colognes and perfumes sold on the Internet can help people be
       more attractive to members of the opposite sex, while at the
       same time be more respected by members of the same sex.
       Ignorance is bliss, is it? Isn't it better to learn more than
       not to know about something like Pheromones. So we have produced
       this article so that you can learn more about it!
       [list][*]Androsterone, or A-Rone, creates an aura of protection
       and reliableness which is usually associated with peaceful alpha
       males.[*]This pheromone makes the wearer appear to be more
       masculine.[*]Also, androstenone can enhance or  the effect of
       other pheromones in a pheromone mix.[*]A rolling stone gathers
       no moss.[*]So if I just go on writing, and you don't understand,
       then it is of no use of me writing about Pheromones![*]Whatever
       written should be understandable by the reader.[*]Looking for
       reviews and information on Chikara pheromone cologne?[*]I've
       been using Chikara for sometime now and would like to fill you
       in on the results.[/list]
       Androstenone is known to induce the following; Classified as a
       sex pheromone, Androstenone elicts feelings of sexual desire and
       attraction in the opposite sex. As we got to writing on
       Pheromones, we found that the time we were given to write was
       inadequate to write all that there is to write about Pheromones!
       So vast are its resources.
       Chikara is an interesting pheromone that contains androstenone,
       androstenol, and androsterone, as well four other proprietary
       blends - according to the manufacturer. So what do these human
       pheromones do, or induce in others?
       [list][*]Seems so much easier to get women's attention and
       strike up conversations out of the blue when wearing this
       anywhere.[*]The smell attracts them because it does smell nice
       and the longer you stay around them the better it seems to
       work.[*]Keep in mind however that these pheromone products will
       not necessarily get women to just jump all over you.[*]They give
       you an edge and make it harder for women to ignore you.[/list]
       Androsterone is similar to Androstenone in a subtle way,
       inducing the following;Androsterone is a human pheromone that
       seems to have the effect of creating an aura of masculinity
       about the wearer, and signaling an impression of protection,
       security, and reliability. Therefore, pheromone products
       containing this are likely to project an aggressive alpha
       impression (either alpha male or female), which might help you
       to be the centre of attention and be noticed more. Since alpha
       aggressiveness is often associated with sex and good mate
       choice, this pheromone can create a sexual vibe and increase
       sexual tension. People are inclined to think that some matter
       found here that is pertaining to Pheromones is false. However,
       rest is assured, all that is written here is true!
       [list][*]The Good and Bad about Chikara Pheromones;Right out of
       the bottle, Chikara has a fantastic smell that women will
       love.[*]It has a pleasant sweet musky scent but if you apply too
       much of it, it smells something like baby powder.[/list]
       What are Human Sex Pheromones?[hr]Human sex pheromones are
       natural chemicals produced by the human body. When a member of
       the same species detects pheromones, they elicit a powerful yet
       subconscious effect on behavior. For the longest time, pheromone
       production was no longer thought to exist in humans. It was
       thought that, due to our complex system of social interaction
       for attracting a partner, pheromone production had gradually
       evolved out of the human genome. But science has finally proven
       that humans do produce and do react to pheromones, and their
       effect on human behavior is far greater than ever imagined. If
       you've ever had a "gut level" attraction to someone, your own
       pheromones and those of the woman have been at play!
       Human Sex Pheromones and Sexual Attraction[hr]People produce a
       wide variety of sex pheromones that play a large roll in sexual
       attraction. Some human sex pheromones subconsciously communicate
       to women that you are an alpha male. Women are biologically
       preprogrammed to seek out alpha males because they can provide
       and protect. Other human sex pheromones help reduce anxiety
       levels, elevate mood, and can make you appear friendlier and
       more approachable. This subconsciously can trigger women to
       approach you and initiate conversations. And still other human
       sex pheromones allow the wearer to project a sense of
       masculinity, youth, health, and vitality, and these traits
       communicate the sexually attractive, biological trait of
       reproductive fitness. Accept the way things are in life. Only
       then will you be able to accept these points on Pheromones.
       Pheromones can be considered to be part and parcel of life.
       As you can see, as complex as our social interactions have
       become in attracting a partner, so too are the pheromones we
       produce and their subconscious effects in perception and sexual
       attraction! Ignorance is bliss they say. However, do you find
       this practical when you read so much about Pheromones?
       Human sex pheromones are a fascinating avenue of research today,
       documented widely throughout many medical journals and covered
       by many prestigious media sources. Pheromone researchers are
       discovering that human sexual attraction is still largely
       influenced by this newly rediscovered, subconscious system of
       sexual and social communication. Make the best use of life by
       learning and reading as much as possible. read about things
       unknown, and more about things known, like about Pheromones.
       Using Human Sex Pheromones[hr]When human sex pheromones are used
       in the right blend and concentration, their effects on women and
       those around you are quite powerful! Many people today are
       combining human sex pheromones into a great, sexually attractive
       smelling cologne. As if the effects of human sex pheromones are
       not powerful enough, science is also revealing that people are
       just as attracted to pleasing and arousing scents worn by
       others. So you can get the best of both worlds, a great smelling
       cologne plus human sex pheromones all in one. life is short. Use
       it to its maximum by utilizing whatever knowledge it offers for
       knowledge is important for all walks of life. Even the crooks
       have to be intelligent!
       When a man sprays on cologne that has been enriched with the
       right blend and concentration of human sex pheromones, those
       pheromones are then subconsciously detected by women through two
       mechanisms. The first is a tiny gland in the nose called the
       vomeronasal organ. This organ contains a special receptor
       produced from a newly discovered pheromone receptor gene called
       V1RL1. The second detection mechanism is through our normal
       olfactory system, also known as our sense of smell. Keep your
       mind open to anything when reading about Pheromones. Opinions
       may differ, but it is the base of Pheromones that is important.