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       #Post#: 127--------------------------------------------------
       Xi Jinping speech to the world
       By: gsgs Date: February 22, 2020, 6:25 pm
       sounds to me like a propaganda speech during war
       China's new openness transparency and cooperation , is it in
       general or only
       in response to epidemics ?
       [ it seems that they were not so successful to prevent the
       spread to other countries.
       It could be that they did not consider this a Chinese problem.
       Yes, it did spread to other Chinese Provinces as well, but you
       just realistically can't expect
       other countries to implement the strong Chinese measures (at
       that time).
       Remember, they even complained about USA reducing travel to
       This could backfire to China, itself when we get a pandemic
       starting in Korea or Iran or such. ]
       ---------my excerts--------------
       --- certainly will win the war against COVID
       --- great effort, top priority
       The firm confidence in defeating the epidemic stems from the
       superiority of the socialist system.
       ... national game of chess,
       ... hymn of love on earth.
       China's miracle, China's power, and China's speed have once
       again attracted worldwide attention!
       China does not allow the devil to hide,
       Cooperation with the international community.
       China always adheres to the concept of a community of shared
       future for mankind
       In response to the epidemic, China's adherence to openness,
       transparency, and cooperation
       will never change.
       Xinhuanet] Xi Jinping Passes Victory Confidence to World
       [During the study] Since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia
       epidemic, some national leaders and heads of international
       organizations have expressed condolences and support to China in
       fighting the epidemic through various means. In the conversation
       with President Xi Jinping, they introduced the current situation
       of epidemic prevention and control and expressed their
       confidence in winning the epidemic. Xinhua News Agency's
       "Learning in Progress" original brand column "Workshop" has
       published an article for you to interpret.
       On the 20th, President Xi Jinping spoke to South Korean
       President Moon Jae-in and Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan at
       the appointment.
       Xi Jinping emphasized that since the outbreak of the new crown
       pneumonia epidemic, the Chinese government has attached great
       importance to it, working hard to unite as one, and adopted the
       most comprehensive, strictest and most thorough prevention and
       control measures. After hard work, the situation of the epidemic
       has changed positively.
       As the epidemic affects the world, leaders of some countries and
       heads of international organizations express condolences and
       support to China in fighting the epidemic in various ways.
       Since late January, Xi Jinping has met with Director-General of
       the World Health Organization Tan Desai, visiting Cambodian
       Prime Minister Hun Sen, and Saudi King Salman, US President
       Trump, Indonesian President Joko, Qatar Emir Tamim Foreign
       leaders such as Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir, British Prime
       Minister Johnson and French President Macron spoke on the phone
       and introduced the current situation of the epidemic prevention
       and control, showed China's attitude towards the epidemic, and
       conveyed China's firm confidence in defeating the epidemic.
       With all the hearts of the nation, China started a people's war.
       On January 28, Xi Jinping met with World Health Organization
       Director-General Tan Desai. He emphasized that the Chinese
       people are currently engaged in a serious struggle against the
       outbreak of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus. People's
       lives and physical health are always the first priority, and
       prevention and control of epidemics is the most important task
       at present.
       When meeting with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on February
       5, Xi Jinping stressed that the Chinese party and government
       have adopted the most thorough and strict prevention and control
       measures in a highly responsible manner towards the Chinese
       people and the international community.
       China started the People's War to prevent and control the new
       crown pneumonia epidemic. The Party Central Committee with
       Comrade Xi Jinping at its core is the "top command" of this
       people's war.
       General Secretary Xi Jinping has presided over several meetings
       of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the
       Communist Party of China Central Committee, made comprehensive
       arrangements to strengthen the prevention and control of the
       epidemic, established a central leadership team for epidemic
       response, unified leadership, unified command, and classified
       and guided the local work on epidemic prevention and control.
       Important requirements for winning the epidemic prevention and
       control stumbling block were made in time.
       Under the order of the "Supreme Command", various party,
       government, military, and group agencies, enterprises, and other
       institutions rushed into action. One medical team after another
       quickly moved into Wuhan, and batches of war "epidemic"
       materials flooded into Hubei. The most stringent quarantine
       measures have been implemented in one city after another, and
       the vast number of cadres and masses have also acted ... The
       vast number of medical personnel have forgotten their lives to
       fight against time to save lives. The nation as a whole fought
       in unity, and the overall battle for epidemic prevention and
       control is in the vast China. The battle on the ground is
       "Since the outbreak, China has acted as a nation, and the whole
       country has responded with all its strength. It has adopted the
       most thorough and strict prevention and control measures and
       started a people's war against epidemic prevention and control."
       On February 6, Xi Jinping and the Saudi King Lehman pointed out
       on the phone.
       On February 11, Xi Jinping and Indonesian President Joko pointed
       out on the phone that we took advantage of the system to carry
       out the People's War on epidemic prevention and control, and
       adopted the strictest and most thorough prevention and control
       measures to achieve positive results.
       On February 18, Xi Jinping and French President Macron spoke
       again on the phone and emphasized that since the outbreak, China
       has fully mobilized and deployed, united as a whole, and started
       a people's war to prevent and control the epidemic. China has a
       strong mobilization ability and comprehensive strength, and has
       experience in responding to public health events, and it will
       surely win the battle against epidemic prevention and control.
       At present, various prevention and control measures are
       achieving positive results.
       To win this "war", China has the confidence and ability to fight
       the new crown pneumonia epidemic, which is currently a top
       priority for the Chinese government.
       "With the hard work of the majority of medical staff and people
       of all ethnic groups throughout the country, the situation of
       the epidemic has begun to change positively. We are not only
       confident, capable, and confident to win the battle to prevent
       and control the epidemic, but also to minimise the impact ,
       Strive to achieve this year's economic and social development
       goals and tasks. "Xi Jinping pointed out on the phone with
       Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan.
       Xi Jinping spoke on the phone with Emir Tamim of Qatar and
       emphasized that relying on the unification of the Chinese
       people, the institutional advantages of focusing on major
       events, a strong material and technical foundation, and rich
       practical experience, we are confident, capable, and confident
       to fight Win this fight against epidemic prevention and control.
       "With confidence and ability," Xi Jinping conveyed to the world
       China's firm confidence in defeating the epidemic.
       坚定 The firm confidence in defeating the epidemic
       stems from the superiority of the socialist system. "There is no
       limit to what we can do." China has a strong ability to
       mobilize, adhere to a national game of chess, mobilize the
       polarities of all parties, and concentrate on major tasks. Under
       the unified leadership and unified command of the Party Central
       Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, various
       departments and departments in various places perform their
       duties and coordinate their actions. A large number of medical
       personnel across the country quickly gathered and assisted
       Wuhan; the builders fought day and night, and the Vulcan Hill
       and Raytheon Hospitals were quickly completed and delivered; the
       People's Army efficiently delivered epidemic prevention and
       control materials, and selected medical staff to participate in
       medical treatment; the company worked overtime Production,
       epidemic prevention and control of materials are dispatched
       nationwide ... China's miracle, China's power, and China's speed
       have once again attracted worldwide attention!
       The firm confidence in defeating the epidemic stems from the
       heroic Chinese people. In the battle against the new crown
       pneumonia epidemic, many ordinary people used their actions to
       compose a hymn of love on earth. 1.4 billion Chinese sons and
       daughters joined together to fight against the new crown
       pneumonia epidemic. This is our greatest confidence in defeating
       the epidemic.
       China does not allow the devil to hide, China has always been
       open, transparent, and responsible. "The epidemic is the devil,
       and we cannot let the devil hide. The Chinese government has
       always released the information of the epidemic to the domestic
       and foreign countries in a timely, open, transparent and
       responsible manner. Cooperation with the international
       community. "During his meeting with the Director-General of the
       World Health Organization, Tan Desai, Xi Jinping stated China's
       position of openness, transparency and enhanced cooperation.
       When talking on the phone with President Moon Jae-in of South
       Korea, Xi Jinping emphasized that China's strong prevention and
       control measures are not only for the safety and health of the
       Chinese people, but also to contribute to the world's public
       China always adheres to the concept of a community of shared
       future for mankind, and is responsible for the safety and health
       of its people, as well as its global public health cause. The
       Chinese side notified the relevant parties of the epidemic
       situation and shared the viral gene sequence in a timely manner.
       "We have made great efforts to effectively prevent the spread of
       the epidemic worldwide." Xi Jinping said on the phone with
       British Prime Minister Johnson.
       Prions do not require passports and infections know no borders.
       The epidemic is a common challenge facing humanity.
       "China has taken strong measures against the epidemic, not only
       responsible for the health of its own people, but also
       contributing to the world's public health, and has been fully
       affirmed by the World Health Organization and other countries in
       the world." Pointed out.
       In response to the epidemic, China's adherence to openness,
       transparency, and cooperation will never change.
       On February 7, Xi Jinping, during a call with U.S. President
       Trump, emphasized that China not only safeguards the safety and
       health of the Chinese people, but also the lives and health of
       the people of the world. In a open, transparent and responsible
       manner, we made timely notifications to relevant countries and
       regions including WHO and the United States.
       Prevention and control of epidemic situation is a contest
       between humans and viruses. In the era of globalization of "you
       have me, you have me", working together to effectively curb the
       spread of the epidemic can protect the common well-being of all
       nations and enable all humanity to share peace. (Xinhuanet Pan
       (Source: Xinhuanet, February 21, 2020)