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       #Post#: 12270--------------------------------------------------
       WoodTrick pump jack makes desk toy!
       By: Steamandoil Date: July 21, 2019, 8:52 pm
       The Wood Trick pump jack has finally found it's groove. Now to
       see how long it holds up! This thing was a blast to build and
       now I can watch it run for more than 45 seconds.
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/U3cq7BqbqOs
       #Post#: 12279--------------------------------------------------
       Re: WoodTrick pump jack makes desk toy!
       By: St Paul Steam Date: July 21, 2019, 9:56 pm
       I really like that Tim , besides the marble lift,  this is the
       second one of these I would have liked to have owned.
       #Post#: 13470--------------------------------------------------
       Re: WoodTrick pump jack makes desk toy!
       By: Dr.Rev.DelmarMacReady Date: August 14, 2019, 3:27 pm
       That is a cool model, Tim. It would look fine running away on
       your desk or equally at home on a display table at a show,
       nestled amongst other machinery. The paint job was a crucial
       touch, and adds some nice character
       #Post#: 13478--------------------------------------------------
       Re: WoodTrick pump jack makes desk toy!
       By: Jim Date: August 14, 2019, 6:06 pm
       Tim what a fantastic model, I had to look the company up and
       they make some very cool items.
       Well done on the terrific mods you did. What a delightful thing
       to own.
 (HTM) https://woodtrick.com/
       #Post#: 13483--------------------------------------------------
       Re: WoodTrick pump jack makes desk toy!
       By: jkbixby Date: August 14, 2019, 7:40 pm
       That turned out really nice Tim - I can see why you'd want to
       watch it for an extended time........mesmerizing for sure!