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       #Post#: 25391--------------------------------------------------
       ID Needed on this Steam Launch
       By: Junkologist Date: May 17, 2020, 7:53 pm
       I picked up this little steam launch today because it has what I
       would consider a rather unusual oscillating engine.
       The hull is 25” long and roughly 5” wide. The engine has a built
       in displacement lubricator, which is the part that looks like a
       knob on top. It also has a throttle valve, which is the little
       lever with the spring behind it. The cylinder swings from a
       pivot point on top of the cylinder head instead of a central
       pivot point like most oscillators. The engine frame and cylinder
       are bronze castings. There is nothing extraordinary about the
       I’m hoping someone will recognize the make. There are no
       markings at all on anything. Thanks!
       #Post#: 25394--------------------------------------------------
       Re: ID Needed on this Steam Launch
       By: Stoker Date: May 17, 2020, 8:54 pm
       The boiler and engine have some design elements that are similar
       to an early Stuart oscillating launch engine, but for some
       reason I suspect it could be Bassett-Lowke. If that oiler has a
       standpipe coming up from the bottom, than it probably is a
       displacement lubricator, but from your pictures I suggest that
       it is actually a total loss pot oiler that has no steam
       condensate feed, but rather just a gravity feed to the
       oscillator's axle and port faces.
       I have no idea about the boat itself, other than the entire kit
       looks very nice indeed!!!
       #Post#: 25395--------------------------------------------------
       Re: ID Needed on this Steam Launch
       By: Nick Date: May 17, 2020, 8:57 pm
       Sure has a Stuart ST or Bassett Lowke G.F. look to it... but
       looks shorter/fatter (maybe just the camera angle?)
       Can we see more of the engine frame? Is the bracket holding the
       cylinder on a homemade addition? Same with where the head pivots
       with the engine frame?
       #Post#: 25396--------------------------------------------------
       Re: ID Needed on this Steam Launch
       By: Nick Date: May 17, 2020, 9:04 pm
 (HTM) https://www.officeofsteamforum.com/gallery/officeofsteamforum/0/6-170520210245-8571982.jpeg
 (HTM) https://www.officeofsteamforum.com/gallery/officeofsteamforum/0/6-170520210334-858664.jpeg
       #Post#: 25401--------------------------------------------------
       Re: ID Needed on this Steam Launch
       By: Junkologist Date: May 17, 2020, 9:50 pm
       [quote author=Stoker link=topic=2643.msg25394#msg25394
       The boiler and engine have some design elements that are similar
       to an early Stuart oscillating launch engine, but for some
       reason I suspect it could be Bassett-Lowke. If that oiler has a
       standpipe coming up from the bottom, than it probably is a
       displacement lubricator, but from your pictures I suggest that
       it is actually a total loss pot oiler that has no steam
       condensate feed, but rather just a gravity feed to the
       oscillator's axle and port faces.
       I have no idea about the boat itself, other than the entire kit
       looks very nice indeed!!!
       It does have a standpipe in the oiler.
       #Post#: 25403--------------------------------------------------
       Re: ID Needed on this Steam Launch
       By: RedRyder Date: May 17, 2020, 10:06 pm
       Nice find, Mike.!!
       The boat somewhat resembles an H.E. Boucher hull.
       #Post#: 25405--------------------------------------------------
       Re: ID Needed on this Steam Launch
       By: Junkologist Date: May 17, 2020, 10:14 pm
       Here’s some more pics of the engine. It’s mostly apart right
       now. I’m still working on freeing up the piston rod in the
       gland. It’s really putting up a fight. It’s soaking in
       evap-o-rust right now.
       The previous owner claimed that this was a prototype made by
       White Motors in Cleveland, Ohio. He said a close family friend
       worked there and somehow acquired it in the late ‘40s or early
       ‘50s. He had nothing to back the story up either. Doesn’t make
       any sense to me that White Motors would be prototyping a toy
       steam boat, but who knows? It’s definitely not homemade. The
       hull and most of the boiler and firebox parts are steel and
       brass stamped parts.
       The funniest part of the deal today was when he turned my offer
       down because it was too much and then stated a lower price that
       he was happy with. That doesn’t happen very often!
       #Post#: 25414--------------------------------------------------
       Re: ID Needed on this Steam Launch
       By: St Paul Steam Date: May 18, 2020, 6:35 am
       Very nice Mike, I'm sure you'll make a beauty out of this one.
       #Post#: 25419--------------------------------------------------
       Re: ID Needed on this Steam Launch
       By: Nick Date: May 18, 2020, 9:04 am
       Thanks for the extra pics Mike, everything looks original on the
       engine frame, I'm stumped...  ???
       #Post#: 25420--------------------------------------------------
       Re: ID Needed on this Steam Launch
       By: Stoker Date: May 18, 2020, 9:20 am
       I'll have to admit to being stumped as well Mike .... clearly
       outside my knowledge base and reference library.
       However there is one thing I can definitely say about it .... I
       like it!!!
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