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       #Post#: 26259--------------------------------------------------
       Bakelite Wilesco M66 & SEL 1501 DynaMotor
       By: classixs Date: June 9, 2020, 2:53 pm
       Just added a couple of toy dynamos here  :)
       The bakelite Wilesco M66 is already represented here, but as it
       has been mounted on my old grey base D24E (and miss the original
       lamp), i figured iŽd bag another for display purposes.
       The SEL 1501 "DynaMotor" is a first, and initially when it was
       listed, i kind of decided to let it slide...but the condition
       and completeness with box, paperwork, spare brushes and "magnet
       keeper" eventually got the best of me.
       "Magnet Keeper":
       #Post#: 26261--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bakelite Wilesco M66 & SEL 1501 DynaMotor
       By: Steam Technology Date: June 9, 2020, 5:50 pm
       Very Nice.
       They are both good examples.
       I have both also complete.
       #Post#: 26262--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bakelite Wilesco M66 & SEL 1501 DynaMotor
       By: oilfield_steam Date: June 9, 2020, 5:57 pm
       In really nice condition, too.
       Thanks Jan.
       #Post#: 26263--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bakelite Wilesco M66 & SEL 1501 DynaMotor
       By: Nick Date: June 9, 2020, 10:50 pm
       Very nice Jan! The Wilesco is probably my favorite ever made  8)
       Don't think I've seen the "magnet keeper" with the SEL's
       #Post#: 26269--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bakelite Wilesco M66 & SEL 1501 DynaMotor
       By: Jasper Date: June 9, 2020, 11:25 pm
       Thanks for posting those two dynamos.
       I have an old German motor Type 774 2-6Volt that is bakelite and
       similar to the Wilesco M66.
       Looks almost like they came from the same motor maker. Slight
       pattern differences. You have inspired me to try and see if i
       can run my 774 as a dynamo (generator).
 (HTM) https://i.postimg.cc/m2xs4y0M/8-C8613-D3-BB84-482-F-A157-16-DE446914-E9.jpg