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       #Post#: 31915--------------------------------------------------
       Midwest Elliott Bay Steam Launch
       By: Hero Date: November 16, 2020, 7:34 pm
       Found this the other day, and thought it might make a good Covid
       project after I finish the engine I'm working on now (or some
       I haven't seen one for sale in years.
       The boat kit is complete and not yet started, and comes as it
       was originally sold, without the engine and boiler, but I was
       pleasantly surprised to find them in the box!
       In the box I also found a snazzy electric motor which also could
       power the boat. I've never seen one like it before.
       Hope you all like it.
       #Post#: 31937--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Midwest Elliott Bay Steam Launch
       By: Steam Technology Date: November 17, 2020, 3:33 pm
       Nice find.
       The pittman boatmaster is probably a model 9003 and was/is a
       great motor. Used in slot car building as well as boats.
       #Post#: 31938--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Midwest Elliott Bay Steam Launch
       By: Hero Date: November 17, 2020, 4:47 pm
       Any idea of what size fuse should be used in the Pittman motor?
       #Post#: 38467--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Midwest Elliott Bay Steam Launch
       By: james1787 Date: March 13, 2021, 9:16 pm
       Hi, I have one I bought some time ago and never quite completed
       (which now that I have a little more time I plan on completing..
       mostly just some cosmetic finishing touches). The kit goes
       together nicely. Have fun and enjoy! You can install R/C
       electronics so you can steer the rudder. I did on mine (although
       I probably need to update the electronics which are very old at
       this point). My interest in steam has been rekindled due to
       inheriting some steam engines from a friend who passed away so
       my boat will certainly be finished up!
       #Post#: 38468--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Midwest Elliott Bay Steam Launch
       By: james1787 Date: March 13, 2021, 9:25 pm
       Here is a pic of mine so far.. just needs the canopy finished
       and some of the brass cosmetic details added.
       #Post#: 38495--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Midwest Elliott Bay Steam Launch
       By: Hero Date: March 14, 2021, 8:23 am