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       #Post#: 31941--------------------------------------------------
       Christmas 2020 Engine Of The Month Poll Is Here...!!!!
       By: RedRyder Date: November 17, 2020, 7:00 pm
       The pictures!
       1.  Jensen #20 Big Power Plant ca 1940's
       2.  Mamod Locomotive
       3.  Jensen 4 Bolt #10 w[font=verdana] Electric Power take-off ca
       mid 1930's[/font]
       [font=verdana]4.  [/font][font=verdana]Wilesco T125 Turbine ca
       5.  Carette Portable  no. 692/1  ca 1911
       #Post#: 31966--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Christmas 2020 Engine Of The Month Poll Is Here...!!!!
       By: Nick Date: November 18, 2020, 10:43 am
       I would love to find that 4 Bolt #10 under my Christmas tree
       [emoji7] [emoji7]
       #Post#: 31976--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Christmas 2020 Engine Of The Month Poll Is Here...!!!!
       By: Stoker Date: November 18, 2020, 6:55 pm
       This will be an extremely difficult decision. Each photo that I
       center up on my screen, makes me want to vote for it.
       Each and every one of them would look fantastic as our header &
       footer during the upcoming Holidays!!!
       #Post#: 31983--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Christmas 2020 Engine Of The Month Poll Is Here...!!!!
       By: Postie1947 Date: November 19, 2020, 3:01 am
       A very difficult decision as there are some superb engines but
       the one that hits the brief most for me is the Wilesco turbine
       it has more of a Christmas feel about it.
       #Post#: 31994--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Christmas 2020 Engine Of The Month Poll Is Here...!!!!
       By: RedRyder Date: November 20, 2020, 9:26 am
       Yes, there are some truly great entries this month.
       I have already decided I will not be voting for my own entry!
       #Post#: 32041--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Christmas 2020 Engine Of The Month Poll Is Here...!!!!
       By: RedRyder Date: November 22, 2020, 11:07 am
       I've cast my vote.
       Much as I would have liked to vote for my own entry, I had 2
       selected that would be considered first. After substantial
       deliberation, I went with the 1940's Jensen #20 Big Power Plant
       with the blue horseshoe generator.
       My second choice and by a very small margin is the Wilesco
       Turbine under steam.
       #Post#: 32054--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Christmas 2020 Engine Of The Month Poll Is Here...!!!!
       By: bigal Date: November 22, 2020, 9:21 pm
       I like early German engines but this time I voted for the early
       4 bolt Jensen, an impressive plant.
       #Post#: 32117--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Christmas 2020 Engine Of The Month Poll Is Here...!!!!
       By: Nick Date: November 25, 2020, 9:13 am
       One vote away from 30!  ;)
       #Post#: 32222--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Christmas 2020 Engine Of The Month Poll Is Here...!!!!
       By: RedRyder Date: November 29, 2020, 10:53 am
       Bump,  bumpety - bump
       Just 36 hours left...!!!
       #Post#: 32320--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Christmas 2020 Engine Of The Month Poll Is Here...!!!!
       By: RedRyder Date: December 2, 2020, 6:16 am
       Good contest, folks!
       We had a really good group to choose from and Nick's T-125 under
       steam and lighting the Christmas tree was clearly the runaway
       Congratulations, Nick...!!!
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