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       #Post#: 40437--------------------------------------------------
       This Ertl will actually pump
       By: MadeForThat Date: April 16, 2021, 1:35 pm
       So I have been getting into a modification of an ertl water
       pump, and decided that I really wanted it to pump. The
       modification to run on drive belt was quick and easy, but
       modifying the internals will be far more complicated.
       [attachimg=1][attachimg=2][attachimg=3][attachimg=4]  I made a
       3d model of the crazy part needed to transfer power to the
       bottom, and printed it out in a few minutes on a 3d printer. (I
       work as a tooling designer, so I just designed it on a lunch
       break) It was a little sticky, but after "wearing it in" it
       slides pretty smooth. I then drilled the spout out by hand, and
       each of the oil cups. My plan is to run a 1/8" copper tube up
       inside the pump up to the spigot, and my plastic part leaves
       just a little bit of room for that. I have not designed the pump
       mechanism at all, but I think I can make the pump from a spray
       bottle work. it will just need to fit in the die cast base of
       the toy. Anyone else tried to do this? id love to hear thoughts
       for how to make the pump under the base.
       #Post#: 40439--------------------------------------------------
       Re: This Ertl will actually pump
       By: St Paul Steam Date: April 16, 2021, 2:23 pm
       watching with intense interest , your on your way to something
       really special.
       #Post#: 40440--------------------------------------------------
       Re: This Ertl will actually pump
       By: txlabman Date: April 16, 2021, 3:36 pm
       Ooooh…..very interesting.
       Looking forward to seeing more.
       #Post#: 40448--------------------------------------------------
       Re: This Ertl will actually pump
       By: ShadetreeMotorcycle Date: April 16, 2021, 5:22 pm
       If you can make it pump with 3D printed parts...you could
       probably sell them! There are several of us on here that have
       Ertl pumps and they are good lookers, but more joy could be had
       if they lifted water!
       I was going to have a go at it but have not had time to even
       take my pump apart.
       #Post#: 40450--------------------------------------------------
       Re: This Ertl will actually pump
       By: Jim Date: April 16, 2021, 6:24 pm
       As the others have mentioned really interesting.
       #Post#: 40465--------------------------------------------------
       Re: This Ertl will actually pump
       By: classixs Date: April 17, 2021, 2:58 am
       Seems like a relatively advanced set up your planning for here,
       will be looking forward to see you progress.
       #Post#: 40524--------------------------------------------------
       Re: This Ertl will actually pump
       By: MadeForThat Date: April 18, 2021, 6:07 pm
       Well I happened upon another pump at an estate sale, in the box!
       They had 20 and I talked them down to 10 with some dvd's! I
       modified one of Jin's hit and miss engines for my dad as a gift,
       and I think this will be the follow up gift for this Christmas
       #Post#: 40527--------------------------------------------------
       Re: This Ertl will actually pump
       By: MadeForThat Date: April 18, 2021, 6:40 pm
       Well I happened upon another pump at an estate sale, in the box!
       They had 20 and I talked them down to 10 with some dvd's! I
       modified one of Jin's hit and miss engines for my dad as a gift,
       and I think this will be the follow up gift for this Christmas
       I also found a pump! Got some inspiration from my dog chewing a
       squeaker for a few hours. Not sure how long one will last before
       wearing out,but the squeezers are easy to press and should
       connect to some check valves pretty easily.
       #Post#: 40530--------------------------------------------------
       Re: This Ertl will actually pump
       By: ShadetreeMotorcycle Date: April 18, 2021, 7:29 pm
       That's a SWEET price for Ertl pump in a box!
       I think the squeaker could last for some time if it is not
       depressed with a sharp metal object, maybe something like a dart
       gun suction cup or something soft on your vertical plunger as a
       The squeaker will likely make good water pressure on the down
       stroke, I am unsure if it will have a lot of strength to draw in
       the new water so a check valve with very easy open strength will
       be needed. Are you going to make your own check valves?
       Keep us posted if you make any progress.
       I see the edge of a Tarot Stirling engine...nice choice! I
       have one on order myself :)
       #Post#: 40619--------------------------------------------------
       Re: This Ertl will actually pump
       By: MadeForThat Date: April 21, 2021, 10:19 am
       So yesterday over lunch I designed this little "pump" to fit in
       the base of the ertl. The sqeeker bulb will have a tube to a Tee
       on the far side of the base, where the check valves will be
       connected. I am planning to use these check valves:
 (HTM) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08GLXZJCW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
       Mainly because they are small, but can be disassembled if they
       plug up. They are normally used for aquarium air lines to make
       sure siphons don't happen. The base I designed should hold the
       bulb, check valves, Tee and tubes and I will need to do a bit
       more planning for how the water will enter the base of the pump.
       I started the print when I went to bed last night, and woke up
       to a complete part. Unfortunately the squeeker bulb is too
       compressed when assembled, so I will need to either use a
       different bulb, or plan to put this project on another base to
       allow a little more room under it. Also, the bulb is centered
       under the "pusher" and this leaves no room for a little copper
       tube, so I will plan to move the bulb a bit to make room.
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