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       #Post#: 41999--------------------------------------------------
       New Steam Plant
       By: Brad Date: May 15, 2021, 3:14 pm
       I bought this steam plant today, but do not recognize it's
       maker. It looks to be factory made, although there are no
       markings on it. The 4 cylinder, oscillating engine has a
       crankshaft driven water pump and there is also a hand pump. I am
       sure that this is a marine plant that somebody mounted to be a
       stationary plant. I have to determine the operating pressure,
       hydro the boiler, and test the safety valve. Does anybody
       recognize this piece of equipment?
       #Post#: 42066--------------------------------------------------
       Re: New Steam Plant
       By: Quickj Date: May 16, 2021, 6:47 pm
       This engine and boiler are built to a design by Jan Gunnarsson
       and the plans for them were serialized in Live Steam magazine
       many years ago.
       You can still get the complete articles' and plans in the book
       "Steam and Stirling engines you can Build" (volume one) which is
       available from Village Press.
 (HTM) https://secure.villagepress.com/store/items/detail/item/847
 (HTM) https://secure.villagepress.com/store/items/detail/item/847
       #Post#: 47398--------------------------------------------------
       Re: New Steam Plant
       By: txlabman Date: December 13, 2021, 4:38 pm
       An interesting steam plant.
       Have you gotten it to work yet?
       #Post#: 47402--------------------------------------------------
       Re: New Steam Plant
       By: Brad Date: December 13, 2021, 5:26 pm
       I haven't done the hydro on that plant yet. Been playing with my
       Stuart 504 steam plant and working on my PM Research horizontal
       boiler. It's on the list.