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       #Post#: 48366--------------------------------------------------
       Free Track (Not for Resale) - Hornby, Lionel, ?
       By: jkbixby Date: January 10, 2022, 5:21 pm
       I have three boxes of track for anyone who can use them but not
       resale them. All I ask is that you pay the shipping.
       The first box is rusty Hornby O gauge clockwork, approx. 21
       straight and 21 curved pieces.
       The second box is Lionel or American Flyer or Marx or ?, there
       appears to be 60-80 pieces all straight I think.
       The third box is Lionel 3 rail, O-27 maybe, 30-40 pieces of a
       mix of straight and curved, a LH & RH switch, and a 90 degree
       The size of the box and approximate weight is shown so you can
       figure out the USPS shipping cost to your area but I will let
       you know the exact cost. Hope this will help someone.