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       #Post#: 48393--------------------------------------------------
       Help with 1/6 hp Crocker Wheeler motor
       By: crazydoug Date: January 11, 2022, 11:29 am
       I need some help with info about a 1/6 hp crocker wheeler motor
       i am interested in purchasing. It is missing the top brass i.d.
       My first question is if there is anyone making repro tags, or
       where would i start to find someone who might be able to do
       2nd question is- how do i know what voltage it is? I have seen
       both 10v and 115v models. I have seen this motor run on 12v, but
       maybe not at full speed? Does anyone know if the 115v motor will
       run at all on 12v under no load. Is there a way to tell by the
       resistance of the windings?
       These motors are not that uncommon, although never cheap to buy,
       so I,m hoping someone who has one can give me some info.
       #Post#: 48399--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Help with 1/6 hp Crocker Wheeler motor
       By: txlabman Date: January 11, 2022, 2:37 pm
       Two related videos that might be helpful:
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/grFDv2PLq3k
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/sIn1VLI9OMI