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       #Post#: 49211--------------------------------------------------
       Two Vintage Little Giant Electric Motors --Need Help with Date o
       f Manufacture
       By: crazydoug Date: February 12, 2022, 12:57 pm
       A recent Ebay purchase to add to my early motor collection.
       Although these are probably two of the newest motors in my
       collection, I would guess 40's, 50's, or 60's??
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/QHeFfVaTIiU
       #Post#: 49213--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Two Vintage Little Giant Electric Motors --Need Help with Da
       te of Manufacture
       By: Redvette Date: February 12, 2022, 3:00 pm
       I appreciate Knapp motors. (Maybe because they are black.)  Ì
       have one just don't know where. I also have a Knapp lathe and
       line shaft.  They arre grey and large.  (I don't know the
       Congrats on the Knapps!
       #Post#: 50083--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Two Vintage Little Giant Electric Motors --Need Help with Da
       te of Manufacture
       By: Redvette Date: March 29, 2022, 6:13 pm
       I have a Knapp motor, line shaft and a lathe. (I would post them
       up but they are in storage.)
       Knapp was out of Chicago I believe,  but I don't know the years.
       I love the scale and quality. Your
       two motors are a great find. (I like the shiny black cases.)
       Nice pick!     Rob
       #Post#: 50087--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Two Vintage Little Giant Electric Motors --Need Help with Da
       te of Manufacture
       By: Redvette Date: March 29, 2022, 6:39 pm
       Sorry, I was wrong about Chicago, it is North Platte Nebraska.
       The year was 1920.