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       #Post#: 53952--------------------------------------------------
       Restoring an old Model Vertical Steam Engine.
       By: Tony Bird Date: November 3, 2022, 11:37 am
       While away enjoying the high winds and rain of West Wales I
       edited some photographs and video of a vertical model steam
       engine I played with many years ago.
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/mt3iznmZFiQ
       Take care Tony.
       #Post#: 53956--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Restoring an old Model Vertical Steam Engine.
       By: Stoker Date: November 3, 2022, 5:15 pm
       You've done a whole lot of nice work to bring that one back to
       life, but it sure looks as though it would have been a whole lot
       easier to build an engine from scratch!
       In spite of that last comment, I most certainly must take my hat
       off to you, and offer you a hearty WELL DONE!!!