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       #Post#: 55121--------------------------------------------------
       Wooden Marble Machine
       By: IndianaRog Date: January 19, 2023, 8:53 am
       Son and I built this over 10-12 hours from 678 laser cut parts
       punched out from plywood sheets.  Tedious process, but worth it
       in the end.  This machine uses batteries and a motor to power
       it, but my end goal is to power it from my Jensen 51 Replica's
       ample DC power output.  Fun project, but be prepared for sore
       thumbs and a lot of coffee!
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/2tIRICjyPxE
       #Post#: 55122--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Wooden Marble Machine
       By: Steamloco Date: January 19, 2023, 9:54 am
       Can't see it, video labeled private.
       #Post#: 55123--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Wooden Marble Machine
       By: IndianaRog Date: January 19, 2023, 10:51 am
       Sorry...had wrong button checked in YouTube...should work now
       #Post#: 55124--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Wooden Marble Machine
       By: St Paul Steam Date: January 19, 2023, 11:12 am
       Incredible detail & accuracy,  well done men.
       #Post#: 55125--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Wooden Marble Machine
       By: Steamloco Date: January 19, 2023, 11:45 am
       Thanks for checking the right button, wonderful machine!
       #Post#: 55138--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Wooden Marble Machine
       By: classixs Date: January 20, 2023, 11:34 am
       That sure is a cool kit...
       Loads going on there, when it positions itself to transport
       those marbles.
       Thanks for sharing Rog!
       Your video updates have been sorely missed, and it was a true
       treat getting one served here.
       My fingers is firmly crossed, that you swiftly manage to get
       this kit hooked up to the 51R, so i can get another "fix" from
       the Temple of Steam.
       #Post#: 55141--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Wooden Marble Machine
       By: IndianaRog Date: January 20, 2023, 4:20 pm
       Thanks Jan...I WILL be posting more videos in the near future. I
       have been restoring a tired Jensen 50 with the help of Bruce
       from SPS.  I have been taking photos and videos along the way,
       so will be posting the entire process soon.  Marble machine was
       an unexpected pleasure built with my son who was visiting for a
       week...I would have taken twice as long to build it if not for
       #Post#: 55153--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Wooden Marble Machine
       By: MadeForThat Date: January 21, 2023, 10:09 pm
       I just got this kit from my girlfriend for Christmas and had a
       wonderful time building it up over a few nights! Not powered
       yet, but it has some super small LEDs and a hand crank that both
       beg to be hooked to an engine. Where did you find the one you
       got? It's such a large scale!
 (HTM) https://a.aliexpress.com/_mLgWLci
       #Post#: 55155--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Wooden Marble Machine
       By: IndianaRog Date: January 22, 2023, 6:17 am
       My marble machine kit was made by company "Wood Trick" and found
       it on Amazon.  Glad you enjoyed the model you got, they are kind
       of addictive (third kit for me).  Built two with my grandson and
       the big marble machine with my son...great bonding time.
       #Post#: 55195--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Wooden Marble Machine
       By: Steamandoil Date: January 25, 2023, 9:11 pm
       A really cool build Roger and son! The video is good too.
       Running it with your generator will be fun. I may have to find
       one of those kits.
       Good job.