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       #Post#: 55924--------------------------------------------------
       Restoration of a mid 1960's Jensen 50 (PART C...final installmen
       By: IndianaRog Date: March 10, 2023, 8:20 am
       This last installment of my restoration is dedicated to good
       steam friend Bruce of St. Paul Steam (SPS).  Bruce kindly
       machined a handful of parts to replace worn or missing bits on
       this engine.
       Serious "clunking" as this engine operated on air (or
       steam)...led Bruce and I to pinpoint several worn parts that
       contributed to noisy operation.
       First culprit was a very worn eccentric on the engine's axle
       that controlled operation of the slide valve AND water pump.
       Left example was the original showing significant wear.  Right
       is Bruce's replacement which fit and worked perfectly (and
       Second culprit was a sloppy, worn crank screw which a prior
       owner tried to reduce slop by using a short piece of silicone
       tubing stretched over the brass bit...it did not work well at
       Here is the machined solution by Bruce, a properly sized brass
       sleeve with threaded inside.  The screw threads into this and
       then attaches the connecting rod to the crank arm making for a
       perfect, no slop fit!!
       On receipt of this engine, I noticed the stay rod (which passes
       end to end thru boiler), was loose on the face end with
       portholes.  It would wiggle but acorn nut that should have
       tightened it up was frozen in place to the stay rod.  Only
       solution was to remove the stay rod completely by cutting off
       the face end's threaded stud. With significant manipulation, the
       old stay rod was removed.  I made careful measurements, emailed
       same to Bruce and he machined a new, heavier rod and a couple of
       innovative threaded end studs that made it possible to fit it
       back inside an existing boiler.
       Here is the new, more robust stay rod with new end fittings...it
       went into the boiler beautifully and with a couple of teflon
       gaskets on the ends and the original acorn nuts...it sealed
       The hits just kept coming....Just prior to getting the boiler
       re-nickeled, I noticed one of the bushings into which the
       immersion rods screw was loose...so loose it would have never
       kept steam pressure...not noticeable under air pressure, BUT
       under steam it would have leaked badly.
       I'm pretty good at soldering, but this was a very critical
       repair requiring a high temp torch and high temp solder...again,
       Bruce rose to the occasion.  This next photo shows the two new
       555 watt immersion rods screwed into the newly soldered bushings
       then all re-nickeled.  The resoldered spots don't show,
       concealed by the chimney stud, though I quite like how they
       look...robustly soldered in for sure.
       I was getting concerned I would wear out my favorite machinist
       with one repair after another...but Bruce noticed my oiler cup
       on top of the cylinder, had a crude steel grub screw for a cap.
       Voila, I have a new brass threaded cap hand knurled and nickel
       plated no less.
       I like to put a name tag on a finished project and wanted to
       acknowledge Bruce's contribution...a sincere thank you sir!
       Also a shout out to Gil and Charlie who helped fine tune this
       engine on a recent steam up at Bruce's workshop.
       The finished project
       And a short video to prove it actually runs and runs great:
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/D0Z6SSWQU-M
       #Post#: 55928--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Restoration of a mid 1960's Jensen 50 (PART C...final instal
       By: D E Jones Date: March 10, 2023, 11:27 am
       That thing is really beautiful, and runs good too. Someone in
       the past really did run it hard, but spared the oil it seems.
       Since I have always liked to maintain and lubricate things, I
       cannot imagine having such a premium machine, or any machine for
       that matter and neglect taking care of it.
       D. E. Jones
       #Post#: 55932--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Restoration of a mid 1960's Jensen 50 (PART C...final instal
       By: txlabman Date: March 10, 2023, 1:43 pm
       Awesome Teamwork Rog!
       It really is a finely restored J50.
       #Post#: 55933--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Restoration of a mid 1960's Jensen 50 (PART C...final instal
       By: txlabman Date: March 10, 2023, 1:43 pm
       And thank you for an awesome three part restoration thread.  ;D
       #Post#: 55934--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Restoration of a mid 1960's Jensen 50 (PART C...final instal
       By: Stoker Date: March 10, 2023, 2:37 pm
       This series has been a real "inside" look at the restoration of
       a Jensen 50 .... always a very worthy topic.
       Thanks for sharing all of this with us Rog, and thanks also to
       you Bruce, for making it all this much easier for Rog to do what
       had to be done to bring this magnificent beast back from the
       #Post#: 55953--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Restoration of a mid 1960's Jensen 50 (PART C...final instal
       By: St Paul Steam Date: March 10, 2023, 11:02 pm
       A very nice tutorial of a quality restoration of a worthy
       candidate. Rog Was an early mentor to me in this hobby, being
       very patient with me and always helpful, the fact that I could
       help out a friend with a few machined bits and bobs was a
       privilege for me. One thing I haven't seen mentioned was the
       delivery system we had put in place where I would bring the
       parts to work and hand it to a driver that runs Martinsville
       area to hand deliver to Rog at whatever stop the driver happened
       to be going to (Rog would meet him), my boss was ok with this as
       it didnt take the driver away from his duties and it got many
       parts delivered and picked up the same day which reduced
       shipping times by days per occurrence (& for free) it worked
       Well done on a fine restoration Rog, now time to enjoy your work
       for years to come. Cheers 😊
       #Post#: 55955--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Restoration of a mid 1960's Jensen 50 (PART C...final instal
       By: classixs Date: March 11, 2023, 1:32 am
       Amazing job as always Roger!
       Well done to all involved, and thank you for sharing.
       #Post#: 55957--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Restoration of a mid 1960's Jensen 50 (PART C...final instal
       By: IndianaRog Date: March 11, 2023, 6:39 am
       Thanks all for the kind words... I may becoming a one trick pony
       restoring only Jensen 50's/51's...but it is a labor of love, so
       I will keep up with it.
       #Post#: 56285--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Restoration of a mid 1960's Jensen 50 (PART C...final instal
       By: Woe is me Date: March 28, 2023, 12:19 pm
       Beautiful job Roger and friends. You sure brought it up to the
       level it deserves.