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       #Post#: 56104--------------------------------------------------
       Bowman "Swallow" live steam powered boat W/ wood box
       By: St Paul Steam Date: March 17, 2023, 7:19 pm
       Hello fellows boatsman, I'm posting this here as well because I
       really need some advice on how to go about running this Bowman
       swallow boat out in the open water ? it seems to rev pretty fast
       & I don't want it heading out to Sea's far away, how would you
       suggest I tether this so as I can control it somewhat ? if
       anyone has any experience with something like this I would sure
       like to hear your input. thank you.
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/kOaMkYgDsf0
       #Post#: 56108--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bowman "Swallow" live steam powered boat W/ wood b
       By: Stoker Date: March 17, 2023, 9:01 pm
       Well okay now Bruce. Lovely craft!
       First you must know that that little beauty will NOT spin up to
       anywhere near those RPMs when the propeller is in the water.
       Next I would suggest that someone has bent the tiller up some as
       it is supposed to drag on the aft deck so that the rudder can
       take and hold a set to either go straight or in a circle. You
       may even want to put some tubing over the tiller ball to make
       for more friction to set your rudder, with less marring of the
       after deck. Next thing you'll want to understand is that you
       want to be sure not to have the wind at your back, blowing out
       into the lake or pond, as if you put the rudder so the boat goes
       in a circle, that circle will just keep getting further out from
       shore. So you either want to have the wind in your face blowing
       ashore, or you want to have the wind blowing parallel to the
       shore so the boat will either keep coming in or stay about the
       same distance out! If you want to tether it, a fishing pole can
       come in handy and may also work for recovery if the boat ends up
       out of reach.
       Hope any of that helps and is understandable!?!?
       #Post#: 56236--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bowman "Swallow" live steam powered boat W/ wood b
       By: Oberlok Date: March 25, 2023, 7:09 am
       Actually, lacking a smaller boating pond somewhere near, the
       very same question has kept me from trying out my "snipe" on
       Lake Constance, German/Swiss border, from here to the end of the
       lake at Bregenz, Austria, it's a mere 46km ... ;)
       Perhaps one should have larger boat around. Well, now that I
       have my sailing boat in the water, just come around and we try
       them both with my sailor as rescue ship... Kidding aside, I see
       an additional problem: have some wind on the water and I fear
       that small waves will pose another threat for these open hulls.
       I would like to have a proper boating pond, like the fabulous
       one in the Gardins de Tuileries, Paris, France. But that's again
       a bit far away...
       Tethering the boat is a possibility, but looks, ah, a bit odd.
       And do not underestimate the sheer weight of a normal, wet line
       while a fishing line  might get entangled easily in the
       But perhaps I am simply a scaredy-cat.
       #Post#: 56241--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bowman "Swallow" live steam powered boat W/ wood b
       By: St Paul Steam Date: March 25, 2023, 2:35 pm
       "Tethering the boat is a possibility, but looks, ah, a bit odd.
       And do not underestimate the sheer weight of a normal, wet line
       while a fishing line  might get entangled easily in the
       my thoughts exactly, I'll wait until its warmer & put it in a
       swimming pool somewhere.
       #Post#: 62231--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bowman "Swallow" live steam powered boat W/ wood b
       By: txlabman Date: March 28, 2024, 7:54 am
       You could add a steering servo to the rudder.
       I did this with my Bowman boat.
       I used industrial velcro to mount the servo to avoid drilling
       into the boat.
       It works ok at best; but you are much more handy than me.
       #Post#: 62232--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bowman "Swallow" live steam powered boat W/ wood b
       By: jkbixby Date: March 28, 2024, 9:56 am
       Don't have any great ideas how to tether the Swallow Bruce but I
       do have an inexpensive radio controlled  Vac-U-Boat tug with
       about ten foot of fishing line and a bobber that I use as a
       rescue boat (Jim Dandy to the rescue!). Do a couple of circles
       around the errant boat and you're ready for the pull back to
       #Post#: 62233--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bowman "Swallow" live steam powered boat W/ wood b
       By: txlabman Date: March 28, 2024, 10:01 am
       [quote author=jkbixby link=topic=6339.msg62232#msg62232
       Don't have any great ideas how to tether the Swallow Bruce but I
       do have an inexpensive radio controlled  Vac-U-Boat tug with
       about ten foot of fishing line and a bobber that I use as a
       rescue boat (Jim Dandy to the rescue!). Do a couple of circles
       around the errant boat and you're ready for the pull back to
       A better idea Larry.
       #Post#: 62234--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bowman "Swallow" live steam powered boat W/ wood b
       By: Stoker Date: March 28, 2024, 11:34 am
       [quote author=jkbixby link=topic=6339.msg62232#msg62232
       Don't have any great ideas how to tether the Swallow Bruce but I
       do have an inexpensive radio controlled  Vac-U-Boat tug with
       about ten foot of fishing line and a bobber that I use as a
       rescue boat (Jim Dandy to the rescue!). Do a couple of circles
       around the errant boat and you're ready for the pull back to
       I've used a similar technique to Larry's with some success, but
       also a couple of notable failures due to situations specific to
       the pond I was "stuck" in. It also can be damaging to the boat
       to sail it in a swimming pool, if it rams the far wall before
       you get there to ward it off, and not everybody is going to be
       friendly to having a trace of steam oil show up in the pool, so
       you may wish to be extra careful about that possibility.
       Perhaps the best situation is to run it in a smallish pond that
       you can easily walk around within the time it would take for
       your Swallow to reach the other side when straight running, but
       still running in a circle along a shore parallel to the wind in
       a small pond is likely your best scenario.
       #Post#: 62249--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bowman "Swallow" live steam powered boat W/ wood b
       By: St Paul Steam Date: March 28, 2024, 10:34 pm
       I'm going to get this little vessel out for a pond run
       soon....(thanks for the reminder)
       #Post#: 62742--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bowman "Swallow" live steam powered boat W/ wood b
       By: txlabman Date: April 17, 2024, 9:21 am
       Below are a couple of videos of boats running in pools:
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/5_hKvsN50Nw?feature=shared
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/siBgtmZ5EHs?si=MUfPrzISwsbMfSq5
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/OPX5HXz8AXo?si=eDX5cQ3AKJTaiGkr
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