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       #Post#: 56754--------------------------------------------------
       Bing 7380 Hot Air Engine
       By: txlabman Date: April 24, 2023, 3:53 pm
       I acquired this rust bucket hot air engine over a year ago.
       When I received it, I attempted to run it without success. I put
       it on the shelf and their it sat.
       This past weekend, I completely disassembled it and cleaned it
       Following re-assembly, I fired it up again and it still did not
       After staring at it for way to long, I realized the timing was
       incorrect.  A couple tweaks and off it went.
       I am still trying to decide whether to restore it or just
       periodically spray it down with Balistol.
       Thanks to Brent for the Model ID.
 (HTM) https://youtube.com/shorts/EJCTS1vnxdk?feature=share
       #Post#: 56756--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bing 7380 Hot Air Engine
       By: Stoker Date: April 24, 2023, 5:28 pm
       What a lovely old Stirling Cycle engine you have there Charlie.
       Seems from your pictures that a full restoration would be a
       project of such major proportions as to seem untenable.
       Think I'd let it keep its historic "patina" and try to maintain
       it as a functional engine that is in an arrested state of
       Whatever course you choose, I'm sure it will still be an honored
       part of your collection.
       #Post#: 56760--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bing 7380 Hot Air Engine
       By: RichSteamTx Date: April 24, 2023, 6:13 pm
       I have to say, that is a pretty cool engine.  I'd also say the
       "patina" seems fitting for this engine too.... I think it looks
       classy :-)