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       #Post#: 58801--------------------------------------------------
       Can someone identify this device?
       By: Thobbs Date: November 7, 2023, 2:13 pm
       I found this device at a local antique store today and was
       wondering if anyone here could help me identify it.  It appears
       to be homemade with copper wire wrapped around a wooden frame
       that is graduated in size.  There are two red and two black
       terminals on the other side as well as the white object that is
       shown on the front.  The brass arm rotates around the device and
       contacts the wires with a small brass ball.  There are two of
       these arms one on each side and they move independently of each
       other.  The copper wire goes through the wood and connects to
       the terminals.  I didn’t buy it and I only have this one photo.
       Any ideas?  Thanks for the help. Depending on what it is I may
       go back and get it.
       #Post#: 58802--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Can someone identify this device?
       By: Stoker Date: November 7, 2023, 2:36 pm
       From what I can see, and from your description, it seems that it
       could be some form of variable resistance device, possibly a
       rheostat or potentiometer.
       In that configuration, I would suggest it was set up for
       experimentation rather than use as a component in some
       electrical circuit.
       #Post#: 58803--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Can someone identify this device?
       By: Thobbs Date: November 7, 2023, 2:47 pm
       Excellent! Thank you sir.
       #Post#: 58804--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Can someone identify this device?
       By: MasonvilleEngines Date: November 7, 2023, 3:21 pm
       Homemade radio receiver?
       #Post#: 58808--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Can someone identify this device?
       By: jbodkin Date: November 8, 2023, 8:28 am
       This is a crystal radio.  You can see the 'cat's whisker'
       detector with the gelena crystal on the bottom of the picture.
       The coil of wire is the station tuner.
       #Post#: 58809--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Can someone identify this device?
       By: Thobbs Date: November 8, 2023, 5:15 pm
       Very good thank you!
       #Post#: 59039--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Can someone identify this device?
       By: D E Jones Date: December 3, 2023, 1:23 pm
       I also guessed crystal radio. That sure is a nice one .