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 (DIR) Return to: Classifieds - For Sale
       #Post#: 59122--------------------------------------------------
       Steam related items
       By: jkbixby Date: December 7, 2023, 1:03 pm
       Here is a collection of steam related items from the closet
       including two Wilesco drop hammers, a sand dredge (?), a two
       line hoist or winch (needs a little TLC), two 15th anniversary
       Mamod forum pins, a Mamod air adapter, a Mamod custom scuttle, a
       Mamod funnel and burner. Asking $40.00 plus
       #Post#: 59125--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Steam related items
       By: Nick Date: December 7, 2023, 3:11 pm
       I will take if still available! Wanted one of those scuttles and
       missed out on original sale.
       #Post#: 59126--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Steam related items
       By: komet163b Date: December 7, 2023, 3:19 pm
       Cool stuff - great price.  Too bad I'm probably late t the game.
       I always wanted the sand dredge.  Perhaps whoever winds up with
       the items would sell it to me.
       Good Luck,
       #Post#: 59129--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Steam related items
       By: jkbixby Date: December 7, 2023, 3:53 pm
       #Post#: 59137--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Steam related items
       By: Stoker Date: December 8, 2023, 10:27 am
       Nice Score Nick!
       You beat me to it, so congratulations!!!   ;c)