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       #Post#: 59252--------------------------------------------------
       Stirling Engine.
       By: Tony Bird Date: December 16, 2023, 11:35 am
       Recently while working on a Stuart Turner Henley steam launch I
       have been playing with a Stirling engine.  I am no expert on
       Stirling engines, I have never made one, but have on occasion
       managed to some belonging to a friend working. This engine was a
       non runner and to be honest I didn't think it would work as it
       wasn't made that well.  Well after replacing some parts and
       assembling I wasn't surprised when it didn't; at which point it
       was nearly destined to end up in a box of 'might come in useful
       bits.' But I thought; give it one more go, which is just as well
       as I had forgotten to make a hole in a gasket to connect the
       displacer to the power cylinder! This corrected first spin it
       Anyway a bit of a video of playing this afternoon.
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/OgGfoSq8z8A?si=VkJenCJAqYRoY57Y
       Have Great Christmas and a Healthy New Year.
       #Post#: 63145--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Stirling Engine.
       By: txlabman Date: April 29, 2024, 9:18 am
       I just managed to find your post on the Stirling.
       Well done; and I really like the cooling coil idea.
       I may try it on a couple of mine.
       #Post#: 63157--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Stirling Engine.
       By: parallelmotion Date: April 29, 2024, 2:33 pm
       Very nice work. The water cooling coil is a nice solution, but I
       wonder if it would run longer with air cooling if you used only
       a simple alcohol burner? Those ceramic gas burners are extremely
       hot. I also wonder if that plastic tube "linkage" is robbing a
       bit of power, thus requiring more heat; would be simple to make
       a 2-part jointed connecting rod.
       #Post#: 63163--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Stirling Engine.
       By: Tony Bird Date: April 30, 2024, 2:15 am
       The water cooling coil is a nice solution, but I wonder if it
       would run longer with air cooling if you used only a simple
       alcohol burner? Those ceramic gas burners are extremely hot.
       You are possibly correct, I have little knowledge of Stirling
       engines, I have only tried powering the engine with a ceramic
       burner because it is easy to control, using a tachometer varying
       the heat allowed the rpm to go from around 200 to just over 900.
       I also wonder if that plastic tube "linkage" is robbing a bit of
       power, thus requiring more heat; would be simple to make a
       2-part jointed connecting rod.
       This interesting type of coupling was what was fitted to the
       engine when it was given to me, I didn't think it would work;
       but it did, with seemingly little friction. You are probably
       correct a hinged linkage would need less effort to operate, but
       I rather like the different/unique? alternative.
       Take care Tony.
       #Post#: 63166--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Stirling Engine.
       By: RedRyder Date: April 30, 2024, 6:42 am
       Nice work, Tony..!!!