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       #Post#: 60542--------------------------------------------------
       Restoration of the Hoskins Steam Plant
       By: SteamTech Date: February 18, 2024, 4:47 pm
       Today I start the inspection, rebuild, and restoration of the
       Steam Plant that I acquired. Since no one know the builder, I am
       going to call it by the only name I found on it. I’ve sent Keith
       Appleton an email to see if he recognizes it. I will be updating
       it here in this sub-category of the forum. Chime in and offer
       any suggestions you have.
       #Post#: 60543--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Restoration of the Hoskins Team plant
       By: Stoker Date: February 18, 2024, 4:51 pm
       All I can say is .... be gentle with it and enjoy the process.
       Certainly looking forward to anything you may choose to share
       with us here!!!
       #Post#: 60544--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Restoration of the Hoskins Steam Plant
       By: txlabman Date: February 18, 2024, 5:09 pm
       Good Luck Mark.
       Looking forward to seeing your progress.
       #Post#: 60545--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Restoration of the Hoskins Steam Plant
       By: SteamTech Date: February 18, 2024, 5:22 pm
       Steam engine was not stuck hard at all I took the caps off the
       cylinders and gave them a shot of Aerokroil and SS rated
       wiggling the shaft. Took hardly any pressure at applied and it
       moved freely (whew). Also engine was dry with no corrosion. One
       thing I found was NO gaskets between the cylinder  head and the
       caps. I’ll have to make some for those. But for now I’m going to
       oil it up, let it set overnight and reassemble it tomorrow and
       give it some air.
       #Post#: 60548--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Restoration of the Hoskins Steam Plant
       By: Stoker Date: February 18, 2024, 5:42 pm
       Good news!
       #Post#: 60551--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Restoration of the Hoskins Steam Plant
       By: SteamTech Date: February 18, 2024, 6:40 pm
       Im starting to think this guy was either very forgetful or lost
       little things. Started oe I g the valve chest and found this.
       Maybe I’m wrong about Hoskins and Rube Goldberg built it.
       Whomever, this will have to go and be replaced with uniformity!
       #Post#: 60599--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Restoration of the Hoskins Steam Plant
       By: SteamTech Date: February 19, 2024, 5:35 pm
       I think I’ve figured the tank out. It’s a natural gas
       arrangement, thus the slip hose fitting. I’m not impressed with
       the condition of this boiler burner. It may have to go and be
       changed to propane or camping gas.
       Your thoughts?
       #Post#: 60605--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Restoration of the Hoskins Steam Plant
       By: Stoker Date: February 19, 2024, 8:29 pm
       Yep, I think that is in need of serious improvement!
       Natural gas was a readily available source of flame heat back in
       the days when many houses were gas lit and even now with gas
       Propane is pretty much the same thing, available in a variety of
       convenient forms.
       #Post#: 60614--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Restoration of the Hoskins Steam Plant
       By: SteamTech Date: February 19, 2024, 11:12 pm
       Im tempted to clamp it to a bench and hook it up and try it.
       It’s a custom fit to the bottom. I think I’ll put it in the
       ultrasonic cleaner tomorrow with some strong cleaner and see
       what it looks like afterwards. Maybe a vinegar solution.
       Hydrostatic testing of the boiler will be done tomorrow also. If
       the burner doesn’t look any better, I’ll have to find a camp
       stove burner or make another one. Got to buy cap and plugs
       tomorrow also to plug the boiler up for testing
       #Post#: 60705--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Restoration of the Hoskins Steam Plant
       By: SteamTech Date: February 22, 2024, 9:03 pm
       I ran the burner today. It’s a very nice shade of blue, but I
       think I need a higher pressure regulator. I can’t tell a
       difference between low, medium, and high. I’m dragging out my
       fish cooker regulator that variable and try it
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