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       #Post#: 97900--------------------------------------------------
       POM polls.
       By: Lurch Date: June 9, 2015, 4:08 am
       Is there some polls missing?
       I can't see any for February, April or May???
       #Post#: 97903--------------------------------------------------
       Re: POM polls.
       By: kev Date: June 9, 2015, 1:51 pm
       Fuck knows, - I hadn't noticed.
       #Post#: 97915--------------------------------------------------
       Re: POM polls.
       By: 1960SeriesII Date: June 10, 2015, 2:39 am
       For good order's sake, I'm the fuck who knows - they didn't go
       missing, I just didn't have the time to post them up. I'm sorry
       for the delay but life is indeed getting in the way :loser:
       Once/if I get my arse in gear I might catch up with the backlog,
       otherwise I'm happy to pass the moderator axe in this topic to
       others who might do a better job than myself at the moment...
       #Post#: 98014--------------------------------------------------
       Re: POM polls.
       By: 1960SeriesII Date: June 15, 2015, 5:14 am
       Created two polls for April and May today (based on April and
       May threads as the PoM Poll Month #2 out of PoM Submissions
       Month #1 kept doing my head in), no use to make a February one
       as the only two submissions are by myself.
       Apologies for the delay :toothless: