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       #Post#: 35306--------------------------------------------------
       Abandoned Mansion
       By: kagoro Date: December 25, 2012, 1:57 am
       the Abandoned Star Nova Mansion
       #Post#: 35309--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Abandoned Mansion
       By: kagoro Date: December 25, 2012, 2:19 am
       kagoro appeared in front of the mansion and tied the girl to a
       poll next to the front door and awaited for shinji.
       #Post#: 35311--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Abandoned Mansion
       By: Shnji Date: December 25, 2012, 2:30 am
       Shinji brust through the doors." Im here!"
       #Post#: 35313--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Abandoned Mansion
       By: kagoro Date: December 25, 2012, 2:45 am
       kagoro smiled evilly that infused the ties around kumiko with
       energy then walked up t shinji. "so your not yamato. if you
       where you wouldnt have come. oh well ill still have fun with you
       anyways." he said taking off his hood to reveal who he was. he
       looked like a old version of xero with a cold sadistic look in
       his eye. "i hope you as fun as yamato is."
       #Post#: 35314--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Abandoned Mansion
       By: Shnji Date: December 25, 2012, 2:51 am
       "Soooo your Xero from the furture?" Shinji asked.
       #Post#: 35315--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Abandoned Mansion
       By: kagoro Date: December 25, 2012, 3:00 am
       ".....really?" kagoro looked at shinji with shock at what he
       just said. "yea you cant be yamato, your not as smart. ill give
       you one more guess, then ill just kill you."
       #Post#: 35316--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Abandoned Mansion
       By: Shnji Date: December 25, 2012, 3:08 am
       Rock golems erupted from the ground trying to grab kagoro." Nah.
       It does matter, i dont care who you are and what your
       relationship to Xero." Shinji put his hands into his pocket.
       #Post#: 35326--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Abandoned Mansion
       By: kagoro Date: December 25, 2012, 4:10 pm
       kagoro jumped over the golems and while in midair lanched energy
       blast at the golems destroying them. he landed then looked at
       shinji. "my turn." kagoro ran at shinji for a frontal attack.
       two sticks slid out of his sleeves that he attached together to
       make a staff.
       #Post#: 35329--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Abandoned Mansion
       By: Shnji Date: December 25, 2012, 4:41 pm
       Shinji watched kagoro, he maked a note of his powers, but stay a
       good distance. A wall appeared inforont of kagoro, hands shot
       out from it  grabing  kagoro." How do you know my brother?"
       #Post#: 35335--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Abandoned Mansion
       By: kagoro Date: December 25, 2012, 6:39 pm
       the wall held kagoro for a few seconds then exploded freeing
       him. he land then looked at shinji. "how about a deal? you tell
       me what you know about my bro and i let you live. or you can try
       to beat me and get your anwser later. deal?" kagoro said
       spinning his staff over his head. "to be honest i like to 1st
       opion better. unless you want to die." he mocked
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