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       #Post#: 40713--------------------------------------------------
       The Angel's retribution [morning/open]
       By: Magnus Modelle Date: February 8, 2013, 12:09 am
       After wandering about O'raion for a day in search of Wel, Magnus
       finds his way to this abandoned town. He struggles with his
       composure as his negative energy grows with every second without
       Wel, the only person keeping him in a positive spirit.
       Magnus: Love.... that's what it was called. That's what Wel said
       to me. He said he loved me.
       DISCLAIMER: Magnus is in no way a yaoi rp character. Enota can
       reproduce using energy and with either gender therefore not
       caring with whom they do it with. Wel is not Enota. They are
       both guys though.
       #Post#: 40773--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The Angel's retribution [morning/open]
       By: Kaya Mitsume Date: February 8, 2013, 8:34 pm
       The town held an aura of decay. Of a slow infestation of filth
       and rot. Many of the buildings lay in rubble, the base of the
       destroyed structures obscured by a low laying fog. And yet, that
       very fog is thicker than it should be, settling cloyingly about
       one's ankles, the weight as if it sought skin. Attempting to
       reach some warmth that it no longer called it's own.
       Shadows stretched long despite the morning hours, and even the
       sunlight here seemed tainted. For all the negative energy he
       feels swelling inside him, as quickly as it begins to rise, it
       remains leveled. As if something siphoned the blackness from
       inside him. Fed from it, desired it, stole it.
       #Post#: 40798--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The Angel's retribution [morning/open]
       By: Magnus Modelle Date: February 9, 2013, 1:54 pm
       Magnus: I feel so empty. Why was I lead here? Is this where Wel
       had gone? Why would the Phenoma World separate us? Does it know
       that I need him?
       Magnus can feel an uneasy presence in the air
       Magnus: I'm not alone here...
       Magnus turns around
       Magnus: RETURN HIM TO ME!
       nobody's there
       Magnus: There's no one there.
       #Post#: 40802--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The Angel's retribution [morning/open]
       By: Kaya Mitsume Date: February 9, 2013, 2:56 pm
       A woman, dressed very staid and librarian-ish, steps from the
       rubble. Her hands are folded in front of her, and her steps are
       measured, dainty and well placed. They disturb none of the
       rubble that she crosses through. "There are some here. Just no
       one you'd look for. Why are you here, stranger?" Said that very
       prim voice, one eyebrow raised in an imperious fashion.
       Something isn't quite human about this woman.
       #Post#: 40804--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The Angel's retribution [morning/open]
       By: Magnus Modelle Date: February 9, 2013, 3:04 pm
       Magnus: I do not belong here. I am merely searching for what I
       have lost. Nothing more. Nothing less. The sooner, the better.
       This isn't an imaginable place for one of your image either.
       Magnus began to wonder if this woman may have been the presence
       he felt.
       #Post#: 40823--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The Angel's retribution [morning/open]
       By: Kaya Mitsume Date: February 10, 2013, 10:45 am
       She seemed to find that immensely humorous, as she stood
       chuckling to herself over the statement. "You do not belong
       here, and yet you do. Searching for what was lost in a place
       full of those unfound. You may capture what you seek, or it may
       slip through your fingers. Like sand, like time, elusive things.
       Some things were never meant to be free. And you'll not
       understand what I am or am not." She told him enigmatically.
       #Post#: 40894--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The Angel's retribution [morning/open]
       By: Magnus Modelle Date: February 11, 2013, 1:33 am
       Magnus began thinking to himself, "Could this place possibly be
       a product of the Phenoma World?" He began to observe his
       Magnus:(It would take at least a hundred Enota to alter a space
       into this Island. The Phenoma World usually only creates places
       based on memory or emotion. I can't feel any presence pertaining
       to the Phenoma world either. This place is real.) I do not know
       who you are, but fate has bestowed our meeting. I am in search
       of one I lost.....a loved one...
       Magnus was reluctant on telling the mysterious woman anymore
       Magnus: I was brought here from a different dimension; one that
       transcends normality. I was not alone...
       He bagan to think of Wel, the one who had kept him safe all this
       time from the horrors the Phenoma World had shown him and
       bestowed upon his body. It was a dark place filled with neagtive
       spaces containing memories of misery within its walls. The
       twisted clocks that covered its skies held the time which light
       and prosperity had forgotten. The essence of fear whispered in
       the winds, its inhabitants filled with hate, and misery grew
       within everything the Phenoma world touched. Its creatures
       evolved accordingly and the world grew with every negative
       influence. The end to Magnus nightmare had been Wel all along
 (HTM) http://t3ak.roblox.com/2e44ea26bde4f97c8685d0063eb6215b[/img]
       The boy who had stuck to Magnus like glue since the day they
       layed eyes on each other and had proved to be Magnus' Savior.
       Their connection began to lead to something Magnus could not
       understand, but he liked it. Magnus being an Enota, he longed
       for a positive energy to make him feel loved, wanted like none
       other before it, and Wel, a Black Heart trying to escape his
       fate of becoming something he was not seemed to be perfect for
       each other. Magnus at this time would give anything to go back.
       Magnus:(I'm coming Wel. Just hold on a little longer and I
       promise everything will be alright.) I will return to what is
       civilization here. This variation of normality has proven no
       different from mine. Maybe there I can find some answers.