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       #Post#: 16--------------------------------------------------
       Requirements for Area 3
       By: PandaPandiChan Date: May 22, 2010, 3:42 pm
       Rules for this Area, and the site rules still apply!
       1. Grammar! Use grammar to the best of your ability (This
       includes spelling and separating paragraphs without separating
       them every sentence)
       2. Please! Third/second person, not first
       3. An average of three paragraphs per post
       4. DETAIL! Make your posts detailed! No vague descriptions
       of what's happening.
       5. Variety! Don't use the same word over and over
       6. Taking off the training wheels - No character sheets
       1. NO CYBERING
       2. Minimal OOC spam
       3. No advertising
       4. No "I'm bored let's RP!" type threads; make sure your
       thread has a point
       5. No "I'm bored" threads in general