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       #Post#: 11--------------------------------------------------
       Obama Needs Another Term
       By: authorterricelestinebruns Date: May 17, 2016, 9:33 am
       I believe Obama should continue as President.  I feel he has
       done a great job cleaning up BUSH's mess.  There has been no
       chaos with other countries ever since he became President...if
       you really look at it.
       #Post#: 12--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Obama Needs Another Term
       By: msterri Date: May 17, 2016, 12:48 pm
       I really think Obama need another term as president.  There has
       been no wars, chaos, no real problems in this country since he's
       been president. He did clean up Bush's mess and took out Bin
       Laden.  I think he's doing a fine job even thought most of the
       country don't think so