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       #Post#: 20--------------------------------------------------
       Is Kate Gosselin A Celebrity?
       By: authorterricelestinebruns Date: May 18, 2016, 12:34 am
       Whether you like it or not...Kate Gosselin is a
       celebrity...thanks to the birth of her beautiful sextuplets.
       Maybe everyone thinks she's not a celebrity just because she
       gave birth to six babies at once, but she is.  She has held the
       spotlight every since the birth of her sextuplets.  She still
       have a show Kate Plus Eight.   She's very popular with her
       supporters and her critics.  As long as she is in the
       spotlight...Kate Gosselin is a celebrity. I for one feel she's
       doing an awesome job raising eight children without assistance.
       #Post#: 21--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Is Kate Gosselin A Celebrity?
       By: msterri Date: May 18, 2016, 1:58 am
       Yes she is a celebrity whether everyone like it or not. I agree!
       #Post#: 29--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Is Kate Gosselin A Celebrity?
       By: authorterricelestinebruns Date: May 21, 2016, 11:04 pm
       She's doing a great job. ☺