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       #Post#: 22--------------------------------------------------
       Let Us All Enjoy The With Peace Of Mind
       By: msterri Date: May 19, 2016, 7:25 am
       What a better time to enjoy your day with positivity.  I've had
       a trying time this past month with people trying to bring me
       down, or make me unhappy.  I don't have time for dramatics.  I
       look over them and move on. Ignorance is their virtue.  That's
       where negatives live.
       #Post#: 30--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Let Us All Enjoy The With Peace Of Mind
       By: authorterricelestinebruns Date: June 1, 2016, 11:36 pm
       I'd rather have peace of mind every single day of my life.
       Positivity is my virtue.  ;)