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       #Post#: 23--------------------------------------------------
       When Battles Are Being Fought By GOD And His Son JESUS
       By: msterri Date: May 19, 2016, 7:37 am
       Wow...I was fighting a battle I could not win.  I had asked GOD
       and his son JESUS to step in, because I felt I was taken for
       granted from all the hard work I've accomplished thoughout the
       months of getting my projects completed and ready to show the
       world.  Satan tried to step in and ruin my project.  I asked my
       pilots to step in that particular moment and start fighting my
       battles for me.  I gave it up to #GOD and his son #JESUS to
       fight this hard battle I was fighting.  I'm winning the war and
       with patience, trust and faith in my pilots that my battle will
       end in victory.