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       Author: Terri Celestine Brunson Family Forum
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       #Post#: 4--------------------------------------------------
       Living A Positive Life To The Fullest
       By: authorterricelestinebruns Date: May 17, 2016, 8:13 am
       Everyone...please start your day out positive.  Don't give
       negatives a chance to prosper.  Life is too short!  Let's make
       the best out what can be a wonderful day.  I thank GOD and his
       son JESUS for life and being happy.
       #Post#: 14--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Living A Positive Life To The Fullest
       By: msterri Date: May 17, 2016, 12:59 pm
       I love living life with out negative attitude.  Life is way too
       short to go around with a frown.  Or think negative about life.
       I like to have go out and have fun; have fun with family and