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       #Post#: 6--------------------------------------------------
       GOD's Place In Everyone's Life
       By: authorterricelestinebruns Date: May 17, 2016, 8:16 am
       ‪#‎GOD‬ is the main source of comfort in a
       persons life who are willing to take him into their hearts,
       minds and souls. Place him at the beginning of your daily life
       and activities and see how far you'll go when it cones to being
       blessed and blessed unconditionally. #GOD is good all the time.
       #Post#: 15--------------------------------------------------
       Re: GOD's Place In Everyone's Life
       By: msterri Date: May 17, 2016, 1:03 pm
       Most of all I like to thanks the Lord for every single thing
       he's done for me, my son, my family and friends.  I thank him
       for life, health and strength.  I thank the Lord for setting me
       in my right mind not to hate or stay mad with anyone. I thank
       the Lord for life and life beyond my own...my son.