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       #Post#: 266--------------------------------------------------
       Rules ...
       By: KoolKiwi Date: July 19, 2013, 5:47 pm
       ... yes we do need to have them. Not for us as we are
       [font=arial black]THE ELITE[/font] ...
       More from standpoint once (yes - I'm optimistic) we get some
       more traction and things go to hell.
       Right now we have Eric, Hopnut, BB and Cuz as moderators. If you
       really want to be one, then just let me know. It's not a status
       thing - more just a case of a few people with the rights to do
       the necessary bits.
       One thing - from a personal standpoint and maybe some others too
       - I know my kid will be jumping in here. Don't want to sound
       like a Nazi regime, but let's keep it down on some of those
       expletives, specifically c***, f*** and others you can think of.
       #Post#: 269--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Rules ...
       By: gladiatorrrrrr Date: July 19, 2013, 5:57 pm
       rules????  ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
       #Post#: 270--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Rules ...
       By: KoolKiwi Date: July 19, 2013, 5:58 pm
       Not for us really ... just thinking when others stream in ... :D
       #Post#: 274--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Rules ...
       By: gladiatorrrrrr Date: July 19, 2013, 6:04 pm
       ah good.....I can safely use the F*** word in here  ;D
       #Post#: 298--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Rules ...
       By: TheBalbyBuddha Date: July 19, 2013, 6:35 pm
       [quote author=KoolKiwi link=topic=14.msg270#msg270
       Not for us really ... just thinking when others stream in ... :D
       Few of the lads were saying about getting new people over being
       hard, maybe try getting a little link on JP's site  ???
       #Post#: 313--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Rules ...
       By: MrLewisHamilton Date: July 19, 2013, 8:53 pm
       I'm sure you already have but you might wanna make sure you know
       who exactly is coming on here, just because whilst most people
       from JP's site and FUThead etc will be decent lads there will
       almost certainly be trolls who will come and try to f*** it up.
       #Post#: 315--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Rules ...
       By: KoolKiwi Date: July 19, 2013, 8:56 pm
       Will do mate. Will check up on members often enough.
       #Post#: 316--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Rules ...
       By: MrLewisHamilton Date: July 19, 2013, 9:06 pm
       [quote author=KoolKiwi link=topic=14.msg315#msg315
       Will do mate. Will check up on members often enough.
       Knew I could rely on you  ;)
       #Post#: 319--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Rules ...
       By: Forza_limjitwe Date: July 20, 2013, 1:21 am
       Hey guys!!!  ;D
       I wanna be a mod!! I love the status!! all the power!!! lol...
       j/k.... so no more EA forum?? Just saw the joke of a mod LKM or
       whatever just locking down our thread!!! EA forum mods are all
       #Post#: 324--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Rules ...
       By: gladiatorrrrrr Date: July 20, 2013, 3:48 am
       well at least they are good in locking down things  ;D ;D ;D
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