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       #Post#: 36262--------------------------------------------------
       FIFA 18 Trading
       By: TheBalbyBuddha Date: October 13, 2017, 7:44 am
       Well as said in the other thread i have been trading IF's and 84
       - 86 rated players over the last few weeks, didn't want to clog
       up the other thread with posts.
       Not enjoying online gameplay at all so only offline at the
       moment for me meaning no need for OP/over expensive player yet.
       Putting all my spare coins into this
       Had bought about 5-8 of any IF i could get near discard and just
       inflate the price started off with Adan 84 and Zaza 83 was slow
       to start but you need to wait about 2 weeks after they are out
       of packs for good sales, stocked up on Ginter's and Albertos
       then with Brozivic and Fellaini's add in smaller numbers.
       As of last night i had 1 million worth of IF's in my TP if they
       sold at the price i wanted
 (HTM) https://gyazo.com/5b7f088c89d59b2819411e92ca93f0ca.png
 (HTM) https://gyazo.com/642713872b44929b1de79ccd4840dbc3.png
       Last nights sales wish i had picked up more Patricio's all
       bought at 15k
       Will update as i go along
       #Post#: 36266--------------------------------------------------
       Re: FIFA 18 Trading
       By: TheBalbyBuddha Date: October 13, 2017, 11:49 am
       Mustafi's bought at 2600-3600
 (HTM) https://gyazo.com/49a55d83f2c3200918edee4fec9eb196.png
       #Post#: 36267--------------------------------------------------
       Re: FIFA 18 Trading
       By: KoolKiwi Date: October 13, 2017, 2:06 pm
       Damn ... good stuff mate.
       I guess over the years I'm burnt out from all the consumables
       trading from '12. Found the old spreadsheet - spread across all
       the accounts:
 (HTM) https://i.imgur.com/WmanboU.jpg
       Good ol' formation trading!
       #Post#: 36271--------------------------------------------------
       Re: FIFA 18 Trading
       By: gladiatorrrrrr Date: October 14, 2017, 1:02 am
       Formations......indeed the good old days [emoji16]
       Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-G930F met Tapatalk
       #Post#: 36274--------------------------------------------------
       Re: FIFA 18 Trading
       By: beuk Date: October 14, 2017, 4:03 am
       I'm right in the middle of automaticly 'connecting' the
       playerdatabase with the players I have in my club, and the list
       of players I get from the server still have the column
       formations and morale, both still have a value in them, would be
       right in EA's playbook if both still are active but hidden. I
       will look if the players I played with have a different morale
       value then the standard '50' I saw
       #Post#: 36275--------------------------------------------------
       Re: FIFA 18 Trading
       By: KoolKiwi Date: October 14, 2017, 4:14 am
       Damn ... THAT would be interesting!
       #Post#: 36276--------------------------------------------------
       Re: FIFA 18 Trading
       By: TWS001 Date: October 14, 2017, 4:37 am
       I'd heard that morale was still imbedded in the code somewhere
       as well. The swings and runs of results you get in weekend
       league particularly, it would surprise me if this messes with
       #Post#: 36277--------------------------------------------------
       Re: FIFA 18 Trading
       By: beuk Date: October 14, 2017, 5:28 am
       I remember back in fifa14, when I played my bronze teams in div2
       and div3 and lost a couple that i had difficulty turning it
       around, a trip to bronze cup always helped getting back in form
       in divisions, it could have still always be me being relaxed
       winning a cup and not overplay in divisions.
       Scanned quickly thru the data and found a player I bought and
       played games with, morale hadn't changed, so don't think they
       use it. still every player has a formation and morale why keep
       it in if you don't use it.
       #Post#: 36278--------------------------------------------------
       Re: FIFA 18 Trading
       By: TheBalbyBuddha Date: October 14, 2017, 11:43 am
       Probably don't know how to remove it  :D
       #Post#: 36453--------------------------------------------------
       Re: FIFA 18 Trading
       By: gladiatorrrrrr Date: November 7, 2017, 3:27 am
       what will be the MM today? I have invested in Morocco - Ivory
       Coast, picked them up for disgard so no risk here
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