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       #Post#: 36667--------------------------------------------------
       Fifa 19
       By: TWS001 Date: September 26, 2018, 10:23 am
       So, I caved in and bought it  ;D
       Early thoughts are that standing tackling button is more broken
       than ever before! Despite that, the game is a million miles
       better than Fifa 18. It is hard to finish chances which is good.
       There does seem to be some skill involved. At times the ball
       does take some rather pinball type bounces off players, but I'm
       enjoying it despite only have a 1-2-3 win/draw/loss record so
       What it will be like when all the typical meta teams arrive, and
       people actually know what they're doing to abuse the match
       engine I don't know. Also the usual first patch will be looming
       in the next week or so. At the moment it's promising and most
       fun I've had on Fifa since the first few days of release last
       I imagine things will go downhill after this first week though.
       #Post#: 36668--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Fifa 19
       By: KoolKiwi Date: September 27, 2018, 5:14 am
       Yeah TWS - there are some great things about it - may I never
       again see 10+ goal games!
       But I do think too that like you say, won't be long before a
       YT-er gets hold of exploits. The finesse from outside the box is
       already over powered - especially with those players that have
       the finesse shot trait.
       #Post#: 36669--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Fifa 19
       By: guest15 Date: October 1, 2018, 12:18 pm
       Hello gents
       Same here, liked it, more difficult.
       You cant score an easy goal with sane's weak foot anymore
       In f18 all were going in.
       There are some glitches as always hope first update does not
       change the core gameplay. Seems like tactics formations will be
       very important this year
       #Post#: 36670--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Fifa 19
       By: Hopnut Date: October 4, 2018, 7:23 am
       Hate it.
       I was actually one of the few who really enjoyed 18.  Had a
       great team, and enjoyed the gameplay.
       Hate the fact that every version of FIFA reaches an 'end'.
       How many times do EA need to re-invent the game of football?
       Early days, but find 19 to be simply awful.
       First touch is shocking on pretty much every player, so
       possession is constantly lost.
       Nicely timed interceptions ultimately are flawed, due to the
       loose first touch simply returning the ball to your opponent.
       And some have already found how to exploit the game mechanics..
       Every other opponent I face is simply over running me in attack
       with 6 or 8 men flooding forward, whilst having two banks of 4
       in defence when I try to counter.  Go figure?
       Played 18 last night.  'nuff said.
       #Post#: 36671--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Fifa 19
       By: KoolKiwi Date: October 4, 2018, 4:14 pm
       Yeah Nop - there are certainly some serious issues affecting the
       enjoyment factor.
       Slowly starting to hate it, and I feel that pouring more money
       into it, to get the best players, is of course flawed logic. May
       be ok for a short stint - using a couple of new Icons - but then
       the same issues will still be there and frustrations will mount
       I hate it that EA have the monopoly in this space.
       #Post#: 36672--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Fifa 19
       By: TWS001 Date: October 5, 2018, 1:07 pm
       The higher up you go in the Divisions, the worse the gameplay
       gets. Didn't play, or want to play, enough to get to the weekend
       league, but I would guess it would be 4321, with all defenders
       and midfielders deep and on stay back, with three pacey
       forwards, probably Sane at LF, PotM Lucas at RF. They'll
       certainly always defend by only controlling the central CM, and
       when the AI steals possession, probably after closing down a
       dodgy first touch, they'll drive a pass forward in the direction
       of the front three and just try and through ball it to another
       attacker. Played a guy that did this all game yesterday. He
       finished with below 50% pass accuracy and 32% possession. I went
       1-0 down after my standing tackle bounced perfectly for him, but
       luckily managed to get an 85th and 89th minute winner. Was a
       tragic match.
       People are definitely learning how things work, and it'll be
       downhill from here as every match becomes exactly the same.
       On a brighter note, an hour ago I completed the Tough hybrid SBC
       that gives the mega pack. Wasn't quite sure what an earth was
       happening as a silver looking board appeared. But then Shearer
       walked out! My first packed icon ever!
       #Post#: 36673--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Fifa 19
       By: Hopnut Date: October 8, 2018, 5:32 am
       Gave 19 another try last night.  Nearly broke my controller.
       Think it must be the worst FIFA ever.  It is simply appalling.
       Hoping a patch will fix things.  But until then I am back on 18.
       Last night was horrific.  Every team the same. i.e. basically
       what TWS said.
       Just impossible to play against.  And sooooo tiresome.
       No enjoyment in it whatsoever.
       Waste of 30 quid.
       I'm off to go play 18 with this..
       94Ronaldo     92Suarez    93Messi
       94Parejo          93Couthino
       92Hernandez   94Godin    91Garay    92Roberto
       EDIT: Will try again tonight.  Am reading so much good stuff
       about 19... I must be doing it wrong.
       Word is, that it's like a whole new game, and needs 'learning'
       over again.  Old dogs...
       #Post#: 36674--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Fifa 19
       By: UltimateSimmov2 Date: October 9, 2018, 12:48 am
       I'm enjoying it. Patch will hopefully sort out the few bugs
       Must admit, I have never had as much of a relaxed weekend league
       as this one. No rage, just move onto the next one until
       complete. Finished on 13 wins with 2, 4 game losing streaks in
       there, but few complaints over those losses.
       One major thing that annoys me is the amount of second chances
       the opposition forwards get. When tackling head on, a lot of
       times, the ball kindly ricochets back to the striker.
       In all though, with a few tweaks, one of the best fifas in a
       good while
       #Post#: 36675--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Fifa 19
       By: Hopnut Date: October 9, 2018, 8:22 am
       Tried again.  Really did.
       Just no.
       Not for me.
       I'm out.
       #Post#: 36676--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Fifa 19
       By: TWS001 Date: October 9, 2018, 9:14 am
       I don't hate it, but the standing tackles are abysmal and it
       just encourages people to just sprint around with a midfielder
       or striker whilst the AI defends for them. Manual defending
       results in some of the most ridiculous pinball stuff I've ever
       witnessed in Fifa, and that is some achievement by EA!
       Despite not hating it, I've not played a match since last
       Thursday. Just don't have the urge to do it. FIFA 18 has cured
       me! Dare say I'll play a few games at some point this week, but
       just not bothered at all. Other games to play and RDR2 very
       close. I'd guess this is the least amount of games I've played
       on any Fifa after owning it for two weeks.
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