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       #Post#: 36752--------------------------------------------------
       Fifa 21
       By: TWS001 Date: October 7, 2020, 2:18 pm
       Hope all are well! With the new Fifa game coming out, sort of
       had a glimmer of wanting to play a bit again, so didn't fully
       commit so downloaded the 10 hour trial from EA Play. Glad I did
       it this way. The menus are soul destroyingly awful, but managed
       to get a basic gold team together easily enough. Played and won
       a squad battles game. Afterwards, the realisation was that I
       really don't want to start playing this again. It started to die
       for me once the Gold Cup went. Will be back to my Football
       Manager save, Warzone, Fallguys, occassional Fortnite games with
       my daughter who has become insanely good at it with the 6 months
       they had off school and whatever game takes my fancy from the EA
       Play store for the next month until the month I paid £3.99 for
       runs out.
       It's a shame, but the usual patch will hit in the next week and
       the game will become awful and one dimensional. No point
       grinding the objectives (which is something I enjoy doing in
       other games), if I'm not having fun doing it. Then it just
       becomes a cycle of playing Rivals and Futchamps in the hope of
       getting good rewards, when you can easily earn the coins to buy
       98% of what you would get anyway with a month of release. And
       then once meta and exploits are found, it becomes a mess as
       everyone has 95 rated players in every position when EA goes mad
       releasing money grabbing promos. Just not for me anymore.