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       #Post#: 14--------------------------------------------------
       How to use Menstrual Cups to help with TTC
       By: Administrator Date: February 2, 2019, 8:10 am
       How to use Menstrual Cups when Trying to Conceive.
       This method should be used right after doing the deed,
       preferably after the woman has reached the big "O," or climaxed.
       The climax should happen after the male counterpart completes
       his own! After this happens, the feminine pelvic muscles in that
       region push the deposit towards the back, closer to the entry
       point towards the uterus. After this, the cup should be
       immediately inserted. Male deposit can live up to three days in
       a woman's body when not exposed to air. Without the menstrual
       cup, the potential babies may die inside of the first twelve
       hours. The menstrual cup provides an environment that is mostly
       free from open air, and it also provides an environment that is
       moist and warm. A menstrual cup increases the chance that the
       motility of the potential babies remains as fast and as healthy
       as possible. It can even help prolong the life of the deposit,
       up to seven days. Once the masculine fluid exits the body and is
       exposed to air, it can live only up to twenty minutes.
       Technically, there is a twenty minute period between the man's
       climax and inserting the menstrual cup, but the faster the
       menstrual cup is entered, the better the chances for conception.
       Since male reproductive fluid requires a warm environment that
       is full of moisture to live, the menstrual cups create this kind
       of environment without chemicals.
       How are Menstrual Cups Inserted?
       There is a learning curve with menstrual cups, much like
       tampons. I'm sure everyone remembers the awkward tampon days
       when the piece of cardboard was left behind, leaving one to
       wonder, "Why is this so uncomfortable?" The exciting thing with
       menstrual cups is that once inserted correctly, it's entirely
       comfortable and it's barely noticeable. After washing the hands,
       fold the cup in a specific way. Luckily, there are many
       different folds, and there is one that is bound to be the most
       comfortable for the woman trying to conceive. The most
       straightforward kind of fold is to punch in one side and fold
       the 'corners' over. Standing with legs apart, or with a leg on
       the tub, insert the menstrual cup. One may hear a slight 'air
       bubble' sound and then feel a sealing sensation. If it's too low
       near the opening, try again. At some point, the cup may travel
       up, which is good, as this brings the potential babies closer to
       their goal. But it can also be frightening when one feels that
       the cup is lost! Most cups come with a little 'string'
       attachment made of latex or silicone. To facilitate removal, one
       can 'bear down' and use the muscles around the pelvic area to
       gently push the cup outward while pulling on the little silicone
       Menstrual Cups, Allergies, and Sizing
       If one is allergic to latex products, it's best to stay away
       from those made of latex rubber and opt for a silicone cup
       instead. Menstrual cups come in many sizes. The smaller sizes
       are suitable for those who are smaller in size or those who have
       not had children. Larger cups are for those who have had a
       child, primarily through natural birth, and for those who are
       considered plus-size.
       Tips for Using Menstrual Cups to TTC
       Most menstrual cups come with a cute little bag that's designed
       for storage. Before doing the 'deed,' make sure to have the cup
       handy at arm's reach. Once the deposit is made, the cup should
       be immediately inserted, and one should lie face up with a
       pillow under the small of the back for support. This will ensure
       that the deposit travels to the back, near the opening towards
       the uterus. A menstrual cup, when inserted immediately after the
       deed, will collect the potential babies and keep them close to
       the body, in a warm, wet environment, increasing the chances of
       conception. One can keep a menstrual cup inserted for up to
       twelve hours, and supposedly one could also use the restroom
       with no issues, but many have had issues with this, as the
       menstrual cup tends to not stay in place during this kind of
       sitting position. That's fine, as long as the menstrual cup has
       been in place for a few hours, giving potential babies the
       chance to swim upward toward their goal. A woman can sleep with
       a menstrual cup in, and this is ideal for the prone position
       overnight, as it will increase the chances of conception.
       Keeping the Menstrual Cup Clean
       To prevent issues with any kind of infection or change in PH
       within the woman's sensitive reproductive issues, it's important
       to wash the menstrual cup. The diva cup should be washed with a
       mild soap that is water based and not scented, to prevent
       irritation. Some menstrual cups can be boiled for five to ten
       minutes to serve as a disinfectant without the use of chemicals.
       Having baby wipes, unscented and hypoallergenic, near the
       nightstand is helpful to clean up any after-coitus activity.
       After washing the cup, make sure to store it in the small bag
       that it came in, again, by the nightstand. I repeated this
       because when one has to stand up to retrieve the cup, potential
       babies may leak out when in the standing or kneeling position,
       reducing the chances of conception.
       And Add a Sprinkle of Baby Dust!
       Ultimately, menstrual cups create an ideal environment for male
       reproductive fluid right after doing the deed. It's best to try
       for a baby two days before ovulation, on the day of ovulation,
       and the day after ovulation. The best way to determine ovulation
       is by using a digital fertility monitor. Some of the more
       expensive models send the information to an app, where it can be
       easily tracked! A woman has the Luteinizing hormone in her
       system at all times, but it increases exponentially when she is
       ovulating. Being extra romantic and loving, physically, during
       this time dramatically increases the chances for conception.
       Some women use Mucinex to thin their feminine reproductive
       fluids to be more receptive to male deposit. Mucinex thins the
       membranes in the body, which usually aids in helping break down
       mucous during a cold, but it also assists in thinning mucous
       everywhere else. Using the menstrual cup during an ovulation
       period is a great way to increase the chances of