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       #Post#: 26--------------------------------------------------
       Soya Isoflavones [A natural alternative to Clomid]
       By: Administrator Date: February 2, 2019, 1:58 pm
       Soya Isoflavones are a natural alternative to Clomid.
       Soya Isoflavones are commonly referred to as SI.
       Soya Isoflavones are not for everyone, in fact if you have a
       regular cycle you should not try SI.
       If you have been on Clomid (for example 50mg) you should double
       the dosage for SI (You'd be taking 100mg)
       The maximum dose of Soya Isoflavones you can take per day is
       You only take Soya Isoflavones for a maximum of 5 days early
       into your cycle. This might be days 1-5, 2-6, 3-7 etc. The
       latest you may start taking Soya Isoflavones is CD5. Taking it
       longer than 5 days will have negative effects on your Fertility.
       *Always* consult your doctor before taking any new medications.
       When to take SI?
       You take Soy Isoflavones, like Clomid, on either CD 1-5 , 2-6,
       3-7 , 4-8 or 5-9.
       If you take soy Isoflavones during the later time bracket, for
       example CD5-9, you shall strengthen the egg that has already
       started growing producing a healthier egg. The earlier in your
       cycle you take It, the higher your chance of releasing multiple
       eggs but these eggs will not be as mature as the eggs grown from
       taking Soya later.
       A lot of women will choose the middle cycle (3 -7) allowing time
       for a strong and healthy egg to develop without erasing the
       chance of a second egg being developed and released.
       Which days are better?
       1-5 = You’ll produce more eggs, and ovulate sooner, with a
       stronger ovulation.
       2-6 = You’ll produce more eggs than usual, but not as many as
       taking it 1-5. Eggs may be more mature, and ovulation will be
       slightly more strong than 1-5.
       3-7 = The best of both worlds, a few more eggs, and all eggs
       will be strong & mature, and ovulation will be alot stronger
       than 1-5.
       4-8 = No more eggs will be produced, but the ones already there,
       will be matured alot more than usual, and ovulation will be very
       strong. Ovulation may only be brought forward a teeny bit.
       5-9 = You'll have one very mature strong egg, from the ones you
       already produced on your own. Ovulation will either happen when
       it usually does, or a few days later, but your egg will be of
       great quality.
       Whilst there hasn't been any research regarding dosage and
       whether to keep the dosage consistent (just like you would
       Clomid), or to increase the dosage daily on this particular
       thread, women are having more luck with increasing dosages. This
       is a rather small study, with only minimal amount of data.
       Obviously any data collected regarding Soya Isoflavones dosages
       do not take things like Male Factor Infertility into
       Soya helps you Ovulate, it stimulates your ovaries. Therefore if
       you are struggling with Male Factor Infertility the success
       rates may well be lower.
       Please see your Fertility Specialist and or Doctor for more